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After a few days of training and meeting your fellow competitors, it was finally time for the competition to begin.

The rules were simple, the judges could ask you to perform any trick in the water and you both had to complete it to the best of your ability.

The highest overall score of the teams won. Over four weeks, there were eight rounds, after every round, the bottom five scoring teams were eliminated and sent back home.

The winners of the last round were the team with the highest score out of the remaining five teams.

The hardest thing about it was that the tricks you were supposed to perform weren't official surfing acts.

You weren't given a name, but instead shown a video of what they wanted you to do- this was then broadcasted alongside your performance when it aired on TV.

This was the first year this competition was running, but it was expected to become quite a big deal in the surfing community.

"Next up we have our Bondi lifeguards, Chris and (y/n) Chapman. I'm guessing you two are siblings." The host of the event announced as you joined him in front of the judge's panel.

The whole scene was a lot to take in for you, due to the masses of people and commotion. You and your brother were very used to the cameras so you could only imagine how overwhelming this must be for the other teams.

"That's right and Thankyou for not thinking I'm her parent!" Chappo laughed although you knew that he was partially serious.

"I would never! So are you two ready, because you are about to be shown your trick for round number one?" He asked.

"I would like to think so because it's a long flight for a three day trip!" You answered.

"Let's hope you don't get put in the bottom five then. Would you say that you two are competitive?" He enquired.

"Yes! We probably invent at least five new competitions between us in a day." Chappo responded just as you heard the ringing that signified the next team's challenge about to be shown.

"It's time to start, here is your trick..." He told you as a video began to play on the large screen to the right of where you and your brother stood with the host.

It only played for around twenty seconds and then you were both off to the shore line.

You were the first to perform for this round; you and Chappo were planning to alternate if you made it through to the next rounds but you had said that you didn't mind going first.

"OK, you're going to be great, it's just catching a barrel then twisting three times once you are out the other side- you can do that." Chappo told you, noticing your slight hesitation.

"You're right, I can do that, I have just got to forget the hundreds of people who will be watching if I unstick or nosedive." You replied.

"But really it's a downsize to the thrifty thousand strong audience you have back home." He pointed out.

"They're not scoring me out of one hundred  and deciding if I have to spend eleven hours of tomorrow on a giant metal tube." You laughed half heartedly.

"Just forget about them. It's you, the board and the wave, like you always say it is when you surf. It's no different to back home, and your going to do it just as amazingly."

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