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Timeskip 2 weeks:

After competing in the finals of the surfing competition, you were glad to be back home with the rest of your family again.

Annoyingly for you and Chappo, the winners weren't going to be announced for another couple weeks. You didn't quite know why- all you knew was that you both did your best and were happy to just have made it too the end of the contest.

"Uppy!  Uppy!" Both Ethan and Arthur requested; since you had gotten back the day before, they hadn't wanted to be without you, and neither had Harrison.

"Are you two excited to go to the beach and splash in the sea?" You asked, slowly picking them both off of the floor, a task which continued to get more challenging as they grew.

"Ababa baba baba." Arthur babbled as Harrison walked into the living room from getting changed in your bedroom.

"If 'Ababa baba baba' means 'very excited' in baby language, then I agree!" Harrison exclaimed,  taking Ethan into his own arms which you were very grateful for as you were beginning to think you might drop one of them.

"Then let's go!"


"Harrison..." You began, looking down at the twins playing in the sand in front of you. They were wearing your personal favourites of their swimsuits:

 They were wearing your personal favourites of their swimsuits:

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"Yea baby

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"Yea baby." Your husband prompted for you to continue.

"I think we dressed them the wrong way around." You told him.

"I think you're right." He muttured as the twin dressed in the hulk swimsuit aproched you with a crab in his hands.

"Ook!" Ethan shouted, making you cringe as he prodded the poor creature. 

"You're definitely right." Harrison whispered.

"Wow Ethan! Did you find a little crabby?" You enquired. The toddler just glare at the animal he held- completely transfixed.

Unfortunately for your child, the crab had other plans that being trapped in his grasp.

"Nananananana!" Ethan began to cry when it leapy out of his hands.

The creature, unsurprisingly, scurried out of sight as quick as his pincers could carry him.

"I know you want to play with him Ethan, but he has to go back to his home. Now shall we go and have a paddle in the water?" You asked, but Ethan just sulked on the sand  so you scooped him up and threw him into the air before tickling him.

"Don't get too grumpy baby Banner, we don't want you to turn into a big green monster!" You exclaimed whilst he laughed so hard he could hardly hold his head up.  It was amazing how quickly they could forget about things a couple moments a go they cared so much about.

"Shall we take them down to the water Harri?" You suggested.

"Yep, you ready baby Rogers?" He asked Arthur who was playing with a green spade in the sand.

"Uppy!" Arthur replied and his father complied before you both walked hand in hand towards the water.

Just like their mother and father, Ethan and Arthur were happiest in the ocean. You'd like to think that it was some sort of deep love for the water that was passed down through the generations, but it was probably just the fact that they could splash as much as they liked without getting told off.

You leant your head on Harrison's shoulder as you both watched your children laugh and play together in the shallows. The sighht could never get boring and your love for them couldnt ever grow old.

"Let's have another baby."

Chappo's Little SisterWhere stories live. Discover now