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Timeskip to the afternoon:

After you had all finished your shift at the beach, you had decided to head to the market in town. Apparently, you had been before but you couldn't remember anything due to being so young.

Unlike the other boys, you and Tom were finding it quite hard adjusting to the new climate and way of life in Bali. Over the last couple days, it had been absolutely amazing and everyone you had met had been so welcoming and friendly but it was still a lot to take in and sometimes overwhelming.

You and Tom were stood by the side of the road for a quick interview whilst the other boys waited outside the market. During said interview, you both nearly got hit by a car.

"Come on, let's go inside." You suggested. Tom nodded and followed you across the street.

"It's huge in here." Tom commented as you all entered the humongous room. You could of sworn is went on for miles.

Inside was an xanadu of colours and sounds, which still kept cutting out for no reason. You enjoyed going round the fruit and vegetable stalls with the boys but the meat section was a different story.

"Tom, Marley, come and try it." Deano called cheerily, trying a sample the cashier had given him.

"Yea, we're good." Tom replied, speaking for the both of you.

"This is the most organic meat you are ever going to eat in your life, just try it, it's amazing!" Chappo added.

"Ummmm... No thanks Chips, I have the online equivalent of a degree in microbiology so, no Thankyou." You answered, moving further and further away from him with Tom behind you.

It was getting very humid and claustrophobic in the now seemingly not-so-big room.

"I didn't know you got a degree, when did you do that?!" Chappo exclaimed. It didn't surprise you that he didn't know, you didn't tell anyone except Harrison.

"I got really bored sitting in the tower all day every day when I was pregnant and then being off for like six months, Tom had been telling me about what he did at uni and I thought it sounded interesting so I found all the lectures online and bought the textbooks." You explained, being met with six astounded faces.

"Well, I also have a degree in microbiology so I think we'll wait outside." Tom stated before you both said goodbye and began to weave your way in and out of stores and finally to the open air of the exit.

Just as you were about to begin a sentence,  you heard these voices in your ear. Not like voices in your head but actually people's voices, as if they were on a radio call. You listened in closely to hear what they were saying: you were pretty sure it was a taxi driver and an awaiting passenger.

"Tom, I bet you that any second now, a blue taxi will pull up across the road and pick up a woman in a green top and denim shorts." You told him and seconds later, your 'prediction' occurred.

"That's insane! I mean, I knew you were smart but I didn't know you were a psychic!" Tom responded, eyes wide in astonishment.

"I don't think I'm psychic!" You laughed, although how was he supposed to guess what was really going on- it wasn't as if it was a common happening.

"Then how would you have known that?" He enquired, shocked expression still plastered across his features.

"I think my hearing aids are channelling the local radio signals."

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