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Timeskip 2 weeks:

You and Harrison both had the day off work, which meant you were taking the twins down to the beach. There was just something about Bondi which meant you never wanted to be away from it. Perhaps it was the atmosphere, the water, the people, or perhaps it was the fact it would always feel like home.

Before you embarked upon the sand, you had decided to go to the cafe on the pavilion and get two cups of coffee, because... Well, twins equal a desperate need for caffeine.

On entering the cafe with Ethan, who was now obsessed with talking after his first word, in your arms and Harrison and Arthur by your side, you noticed a familiar face across the room. A face you weren't to keen on being reunited with. It wasn't that you were still mad at this person because the incident happened years ago but you still weren't dying to have a conversation with them.

You tried desperately not to make eye-contact, but it was inevitable and soon enough he was approaching you.

"Hey (y/n)! I haven't seen you in years! How have you been?" He enquired.

"Hi Jay, I'm good thanks, this is my husband Harrison and these are our sons Ethan and Arthur. How are you?" You responded, trying to sound as cheery and friendly as ever.

"I'm good, no partner or kids yet though
Are you still working down at the beach? " Jay questioned.

"Yep, nine years running. What are you up to nowadays?" You responded.

"Working for the school actually, I'm just finishing my teacher training in our old maths classroom!" He laughed, just as you heard you names being called.

"That's so cool! I think we've got to go because our order's ready but it was really nice seeing you again." You told him, still maintaining a fairly fake smile. Just because you had forgiven him it didn't mean you had to like him.

"OK, I'll see you around!" He replied and you were off to grab you drinks and leave rather speedily.

"You will not be seeing me around." You mumbled under your breath.

"Who was that?" Harrison enquired once you were outside.

"Mama!" Ethan replied, presuming the question was directed at him.

"That was my ex-boyfriend from high school." You answered slighty saltily but not enough from him to realise.

"Mama?" Ethan questioned.

"No baby boy, not Mama." You informed him, making him squirm and giggle as you ticking his stomach.

"Ohhh what happened with this ex-boyfriend for you to hate him?" Harrison asked- perhaps your statement was a little saltier than intended.

"I don't hate him. He just, in fourteen year old relationship terms 'cheated' on me, as in was going out with another girl at the same time as me. But I'm so over that now, it's not like I felt like I was being used or upset that or... I don't know that he thought he was above me when really wasn't, and his relationship with that lily girl only lasted like a month so that didn't go very well did it Jay?" You rambled. It was true, you had forgiven him, but you were still annoyed about the situation and still felt sympathy for what your younger self. Harrison put his arm around your shoulders.

"That's horrible, how can you be so nice to someone when they did that to you?" Harrison asked.

"Because I'm running on like four hours sleep after Ethans awakening at abhorant hours of the morning so I can't be asked to be mad at him, and also, I'm not really down for getting mad at someone for something they did when they were fourteen. And I don't like being angry at people." You explained.

"Apart from Rose at the ending or the titantic." Harrison added.

"There was room on that door for two!"

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