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Over the last twelve hours you had learnt two things. The first one being that you did in fact have work the next day and the second being that working with a hangover was not fun.

"What are you so grumpy about?" Mouse, who was stationed with you up at the northern end of the beach, enquired.

"I'm not grumpy, me and the boys went out drinking last night." You told him, pulling you sunglasses down to cover your eyes, despite the absence of severe sunlight.

"And why wasn't I invited?" He questioned in a mock offended tone.

"It was just six of us." You defended before hunching your body over in the rhino.

"I think I'm ill." You informed him.

"I just think you've never had a hangover before." He laughed to which you did not join.

"I have, remember when I gave all those girls Chappo's number? That was bad." You retorted, leaning further into the vehicle so you head was against the steering wheel.

"Bad news." Mouse stated.

"What?" You asked, sitting up form your position to see two people drifting out to see.

"Ugh." You groaned before climbing out of the Rhino and grabbing the rescue board.

Being winter, the water was cold so your entrance to the liquid wasn't all too enjoyable. Change that, it was horrible.

As you began to paddle out, you could feel your limbs begin to shudder. This water felt even colder that when you were in Britain.

"Get on the board. Lay on your front." You direct, not having the effort for your usually nicities. For once, you had a patient who was compliant and you made it back to sure in no time and with no difficulties. However, that didn't change the fact that you were freezing.

" Why is the water like an ice lake?"You asked Mouse, after he had dropped off his rescue victim.

" It's not that cold. " He replaced as you wrapped your arms around your body for extra warmth- not that it helped that much.

" It's f-f-f-freezing! " You stuttered out.

" Maybe you are ill, let's go back to the tower. There's no people down here anyway. "He suggested, gesturing to the now empty surf.

"Good idea." You agreed before virtually running to the buggy.


You were now back at the tower. You had got changed into Chappo's spare clothes (which were still far too big for you) to try to warm yourself up. Let's just say that it wasn't working as much as well as you had hoped it would.

"Is that my shirt (y/n)?" Your brother questioned, noticing the oversized uniform you were wearing.

You simply replied by nodding your head, not having the energy to make unnecessary words.

"Are you OK? you look a bit peaky." He asked before placing a hand on your forehead which you soon swatted away.

"I'm not a baby Chips." You sighed.

"No but you have got a temperature, I think you should go home." He responded.

"Will you come too. I'll have no one to do stuff for me if I'm on my own."

"I don't think Hop will let both of us go." Chappo answered in his sympathising voice.

"I'll ask him, I'll put on my best dying face so he feels guilty if he doesn't."You informed him.

"Sometimes I wonder what became of my innocent little sister."

Chappo's Little SisterWhere stories live. Discover now