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You were working in the tower with Chappo when a quiet knock came to the door. You and your brother looked at each other in confusion as normally people who visit the tower are either desperate for help or desperate for a photograph with the lifeguards and thus would bang rampantly at the poor tower door.

Without any further hesitation, you got up from your seat and opened the door to reveal a young girl with tears stained on her cheeks. She couldn't have been more than six years old.

"Hey sweetie, what brings you to the tower today?" You asked in your 'baby' voice.

"I... I... I can't find my Mummy." She stuttered out, her lip trembling all the while.

"Don't worry, you can wait in here and we can help you find her. Does that sound good?" You enquired.

"Yes please." She answered quietly and you proceeded to stretch a hand out to her which she took hold of reluctantly.

"I'm (y/n), and this is my brother Chris. What's your name?" You  questioned as you let her take a seat at the desk which overlooked the beach.

"Emma." She half whispered.

"That's a very pretty name Emma, do you remember where you last saw you Mummy?" You enquired and she shook head before bursting into tears again.

"It's OK, I promise we'll find her."


Almost an hour later and your promise had finally been fulfilled.

Emma's Mum had turned up at the tower in an even worse state than her daughter but they were both now happy and back to having a fun day on the beach.

"Could you imagine losing your kid for that long?" You asked Chappo, reclaiming your seat at the desk.

"I don't have to imagine." He told you and you had no idea what he was on about.

"What do you mean Chips, you don't have kids!" You reminded him.

"Yea, but I lost you and that's way worse because you weren't my kid." He explained.

"Wait, when did you lose me?"

Flashback to you 7 years old:

"Chris, please look after your sister, she's only just getting used to living with hearing loss and it can be hard for her in social situations." Your Mum directed Chappo whist you were getting ready in your bedroom.

It had been about two months since your hearing had vanished and it was definitely proving difficult for you.

Luckily, your mum had paid for private sign language lessons so the whole family was nearly fluent.

It was the only way people could communicate with you given that you hadn't quite picked up the ability to lipread.

"Off course I'll look after her Mum! I have never not looked after her!" Chappo exclaimed just as you emerged from getting dressed for the day out.

"I know, you're such a good older brother isn't he (y/n)?" She signed whilst you climbed onto a nearby chair and jumped onto Chappo's back for your lift to the beach.

"Yea, and you have the coolest job ever!" You complimented him as he tried to reposition you so you wouldn't fall off.

"Are you excited to go surfing?" He asked you.

"Yea, I'm going to try and get another barrel wave." You informed him, resting you chin on his head.

"Chris, do not let her get another barrel, you know what happened last time." Your mum commanded Chappo.

She was right to worry because last time you caught a barrel wave you unstuck and broke your arm in two places. It was an amazing, yet terrible day; it had been your yearly goal to get a barrel wave but it definitely hadn't been an ambition of yours to end up in hospital twenty minutes after.

Being the smart child you were, you always had a clever and almost unarguably response to everything. This turned out to be no exception.

"Broken bones heal Mum, broken dreams do not."

A/N: flashback to be continued......

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