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"So will I!"

"What do you mean?" You asked- confused by her statement.

"Well my best friend moved away and now has a boyfriend and loads of new friends so has forgotten about me. Everyone else had already formed groups so I don't really have any friends." She explained looking a bit sad when she spoke the last sentence.

"Don't worry, I've never had a friend my age before." You reassured lightheartedly.

"Do you want to play a game before Miss takes the register?" She enquired cheerily- wanting to change the mood of the conversation.

"OK, what game?" You asked.

"21 truths." She answered.

"I thought it was 21 dares, I play that with my brother and the boys a lot!" You replied.

"I know, I just don't like dares! Who are the boys?" She questioned and you decided to not tell her that you worked at Bondi because you didnt want to seem like a show off.

"I agree, and the boys are just some of my brother's friends." You responded.

"OK, let's start." She directed and yiu both began the count to 21- sadly resulting in your loss.

"Right, what truth shall I ask?" She thought out loud.

"OK, I've got it, this might be a bit personal seeing as we just met but oh well! What is a secret you don't normally tell people?" She enquired.

"OK, I don't really tell anyone this, my brother even forgot to tell the school but I can't hear." You replied, which was brave for you but you thought that if this Friendship was to blossom then she probably should know.

"Really? I couldn't tell! You must be really good at lip reading!" She responded which wasn't what you expected her to say but you were glad she did; you hated it when people made a fuss.

Then you both began to count to 21 again but before you could conclude a winner you Abi nudged you to tell you that miss was about to start taking a register.

"Thanks." You whispered.

Miss then walked across the room to stand in front of everyone.

"Good morning class, as you can see, we have a new student joining us today called (y/n), she will be with us every Monday so please make her feel welcome." She said which made you go a bit red with embarrassment.

After that, she took the register, making sure to look directly at you when she called your name. She then started to talk again but cut herself off and looked at the clock at the back of the room and you concluded the bell must of rung- this was going to get annoying!

"Right, we've got double PE first. Ugh!" Abi exclaimed as you, her and the rest of the class began to stand up from your seats and pack away your things.

"What's wrong with PE?" You asked.

"Well I don't actually mind PE but now they're making us do laps in the school pool and I am really bad at swimming." She explained whist you both walked out of the room towards the sports centre.

"I love swimming or anything in the water at that! I'll have to sit out though because I haven't got my swimmers." You replied.

"Don't worry, the school give us all our own ones with the logo on." She reassured and you felt happy knowing that you'd be able to join in.

As much as you hated to admit it to yourself, Chappo was right; perhaps going to school and having friends your age weren't such bad things.

A/N: Sorry these last few chapters haven't been on or talking about Bondi but I just needed to build up the story and your character's personal life- I promise the next chapter will  have the other lifeguards in. 😁😁

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