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You were so excited to see the boys and tell them your news. They were no longer your brother's friends, they were your colleagues!

"You ready (y/n)?" Hoppo asked as he appeared by your's and your brother's sides as you walked towards the tower

"You bet!" You replied- this was one of the best days of your life!

"C'mon then" he said as he opened the door to the tower, by this time there were a lot more boys in the tower including Deano, Harries, Jesse, Maxi, Whippet, Tom and Reidy.

"Boys, this is our new trainee!" Hoppo informed the lifeguards waiting to start their shifts as he placed his hands on your shoulders.

The boys then showered you with congratulations and embraces.

"As you know guys, (y/n) is very skilled in the water but she is only 13 so you need to make sure that you don't leave her on her own and help her if she needs it." Hoppo commanded giving the boys a stern look to show he was being serious.

"Off course Hop, she's like our little sister!" Maxi said putting his arm around your shoulders.

"Well she is some of our actual little sisters" Chappo added standing in the opposite side of you and putting his arm around your shoulders aswell.

"Look guys, I know you all lovs me and all but can we actually do something instead of standing around here all day!" You joked making all the boys laugh.

"Come on, I'll show you how to set up the buggy" Maxi said as he headed for the door and you trailed behind him.

"Don't do anything stupid" Chappo called out to you.

"Love you too bro!" You shouted in return.

"So it seems you've beaten me (y/n)" Maxi stated as you helped him set up the rhino.

"Guess so, not by much though!" You replied.

"I'm excited to see what you can do, I haven't seen you surfing since you were like 7!"

"I'm excited to learn from you guys!"

Time skip to the afternoon:

Nothing much had happened during the morning, you were stationed In the tower so you helped Whippet direct the others to people in need of rescue. You were just watching 2 tourists who were just about to get caught in a rip down the South end of the beach when you someone jumped up behind you making you scream.

"How you going little Chappo?" Reidy asked, smiling victoriously from the scream he had caused to escape your mouth.

"Good and you do know I have a name!" You replied

"But you ARE a mini version of your brother!" Reidy exclaimed.

"I am not" you said pouting and returning to watch over the water.

Before he could argue any longer, Reidy received a call over the radio meaning he had to leave the tower. A couple minutes later, he returned Chappo.

"Come on baby Chapman, you're coming to patrol the Northern set of flags with us!" He informed.

"Alright but I. Have. A. Name!" You persisted but he just laughed and headed down the stairs leaving you to walk out with your brother.

"Do you actually mind?" He questioned, not wanting Reidy to make you upset.

"Of course not Chips! I think it's funny!" You  replied as you both got outside the tower and started walking down to where Reidy was sat in the can-am.

Chappo's Little SisterOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora