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It was the afternoon of the lifeguard challenge and you couldn't be more hyped for the race to begin.

Over the last couple weeks you had managed to squeeze in a few training sessions but it was hard to work out whilst attending to the needs of a six month old.

However, you weren't too worried about your physical strength seeing as after ten years on the beach you were pretty in shape already and you knew that you could succeed in the race if you put you mind to it.

You, Reidy and Chappo had taken a while to agree on the winnings for this year but after a lot of discussion you were all satisfied- whoever won got to have the other two as their personal servants for an entire weekend. It was a bit different from usual, but still a huge insentive to win.

"OK, is everyone ready to begin the annual lifeguard challenge?" Hoppo asked over the megaphone, receiving a chorus of cheering from his employees.

"Right, group one,  start in three.... Two..... One...." He called out before blowing on the whistle that hung around his neck.

The first couple lifeguards went racing down the pavilion.

It was still about four minutes until yours, Chappo's, Reidy's and Harrison's group were due to start so you and your husband turned to your children who were being looked after by their nanny.

"Ethan, Arthur, can you do mummy and daddy a big favor and play with Annie whilst we are doing our race?" You requested.

"Yea, we make Annie smile!" Ethan exclaimed proudly, pointing to his already grinning baby sister.

"So Sam, here are the car keys incase you need a change of clothes for.... Any of them." Harrison stated, handing your nanny the aforementioned key.

"Thanks guys, good luck on the race!" He wished just as you heard Hoppo calling your group to prepare themselves.

"Thanks Sam, we'll see you in about half and hour or so." You waved goodbye before returning to the starting line with your husband.

"So I've been thinking about what I'm going to get you two to do when you're my servants..." You began, incurring a smirk from Reidy and Chappo.

"I really need someone to finally sort that cupboard out..." Chappo commented.

"Go!" You heard Hoppo shout and before you could even register the words you found yourself bolting down the promenade with your brother right beside you.

You were both slightly in front of the other people in your group. You guessed they were 'pacing themselves' but you always forgot to do so. That was probably why eahc year you were nearing death's door when you reached the finish line.

"I do not want to organise that cupboard, it is where dreams go to die." You half-laughed.

"That is true, and I'm pretty sure there's a snake in there too." Your brother responded.

"Why is there a snake in there?" You exclaimed- horrified.

"Well I haven't been in there for about six months but I keep hearing snakey noises." He explained. You were both running out of breath to talk; it turned out it was hard to uphold a conversation when you were attempting to sprint past your fellow cometitors.

"What on Earth is a snakey noise!?"

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