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Timeskip 3 days:

"Who do you thinks going to be the first to pass out?" Mouse enquired from where he sat next to you at the desk in the tower.

"It's got to be Maxi, no doubt." You answered.

"Agreed. We haven't gone out all together in ages, it's going to be good." He added.

For the first time in months, all you lifeguards were going out for drinks at the pub.

Drinks for you obviously meant some sort of soft drink or probably just water but you didn't mind.

You found it funny watching all the stupid things the others would do when they got drunk: last time, Jesse did five shots within the span of two minutes and spent the next hour telling everyone he was spiderman and climbing all over the furniture. It was like looking after your twins!

Your shift was basically over and soon you would be heading home. Sam was coming to look after the boys at eight or nine when you and Harrison were due to leave.

He was staying overnight at your apartment which meant that you didn't have to worry about getting back late. However, being seven and a half months pregnant meant you got tired quickly so you'd probably be back by twelve.

"You ready to go baby?" Harrison asked as he emerged through the doorway.

"Yes dear, let me grab my coat!" Mouse answered in voice at least an octave higher than your own.

It may have been a tradgic attempt at an impression, but you couldn't help but laugh and neither could your husband.

"Yep, I just need to fill out my maternity leave form things." You informed him before picking up a pen and the aforementioned papers.

"And is baby three nearly ready to leave?" He questioned, leaning down and giving your bump a kiss. You promptly felt a kick and you struggled to suppress a giggle.

"You just got kicked in the face by an unborn child." You told him.

"I know, hopefully that is just a womb thing."

Timeskip to nine thirty:

"Boys who is ready for a child free night?" You shouted excitedly.

It wasn't that you didn't enjoy being with your kids, but it was always fun to have a night out with the guys once in a while.

"Me!" A chorus of lifeguards replied in agreement.

"Well there is one child present so keep curse words to a minimum please." Harrison requested jokingly with a hand on you stomach.

"I think the baby's already learnt a pretty colourful vocabulary from when Marley hit her head on the medical cupboard." Whippet commented.

It's a good job that babies didn't talk until they were around one year old, by which time they would have forgotten anything they heard when they were inside of you.

"That cupboard has it in for me, I stubbed my toe on it a few years ago as well." You informed everyone.

"One question I can almost guarentee we are all thinking: how can you stub your toe on some thin that is at eye level, attached to a wall?" Reidy enquired. All your other colleagues nodded in agreement that they wanted to know the answer.

"Chappo bet me I couldn't do a handstand with one arm, so I did one, but it ended as more of a handfall."

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