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A/N: Hey guys! Thankyou so much for 600 votes! This is still the same flashback but the next day. Also, this is a song that I thought fitted with the beginning of the chapter after I wrote it. I hope you enjoy.

"Chips wake up. " You whispered, prodding his side with one arm whilst your other rested in a navy blue hospital issued sling.

"Hmm? What's wrong (y/n)?" He enquired; eyes still half shut.

"I had a nightmare and I don't want to go back to sleep." You informed your brother whilst you lip trembled.

Chappo sat up so his legs hanged over the edge of the bed and enclosed his arms around you in an embrace you were happy to be a part of.

"It's OK, what was it about?" He asked whilst rubbing your back comfortingly.

"About I was drowning under the water and I couldn't get back up because the waves kept coming over my head every time I reached the top." You told him.

"But you know that that's never going to happen to you right?" He enquired.

"How do you know?" You questioned in response.

"Because if you were drowning then I would always come and pull you back up, you should know that by now." He assured you.

What you knew as an adult that you didn't understand as an eight year old was that he meant it in more ways than one. When you were sad, Chappo was the one to make you smile. When you were stressed, he would distract you and remove whatever weight was hammering down on your shoulders.

"I do, but I still don't want to sleep Chips." You replied- from the look on his face you could tell he wanted to return to his slumber for at least another couple of hours but that would be overalled by the distressed child who stood in his room.

"Are you sure? It's only five..." He enquired, hoping for at least a 'maybe' to escape you lips.

"I can't Chappo, let's go watch telly." You suggested as you pulled on his arm.

"OK OK I'm coming!" He laughed and walked with you into the dimly lit living room.

"When I grow up I'm going to live in Bondi." You randomly stated after you both slumped down onto the sofa.

"Well you're going to need to if you want to be a lifeguard." He commented.

"Uh huh, and I'm going to have an apartment right next to the beach so I can see the surfers out of my window." You informed him.

"Who's going to live with you in your house?" He asked.

"I might live on my own or I might flat share- the house prices these days are crippling enough, let alone a prime property with sea views!" You replied very matter-of-factly, leaving your brother both impressed and confused.

"How did you just turn from an eight year old girl into a full grown woman?" He chuckled, but with a genuine want for an answer.

"I have my sources." You responded in an incredibly suspicious voice.

"What sources? How do you know these words?" He enquired, pulling a purposely dramatic face and making you giggle.

"Mum's obsessed with 'A place in the sun'."

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