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A couple months had passed and your's and Harrison's relationship just kept getting stronger and stronger and you were one hundred per cent certain you were in love with that boy.

"What do you want to do today?" You asked Harrison who was laying next to you in bed. You had been staying at Maxi's and Harrison's whilst Chappo had gone on this senior lifeguard training thing. The beach goers must have thoughr the beach was run by teenagers because all of the older lifeguards had gone. You had been waiting for Harrison to wake up for about half an hour. You didn't know how he could sleep through the noise of all the tourists travelling to their combined destination of the most famous beach in the world- you definitely couldn't.

"I think we should do something crazy." He said, his eyes gleaming with childish devion.

"Like what?" You enquired, mimicking his pose by supporting your head with your hand.

"Let's get tattoos!" He exclaimed. To be truthful, you had been thinking about getting a tattoo for a couple months but you weren't sure where to go or what to get. It may not been as crazy an idea as you thought he would produce but you really like the idea.

"OK, I'm down with that. What shall we get?"

"I don't know..." He mumbled, falling deep into thought.

"We should get cute matching ones." You suggested.

"We definitely should, we can have a look when we get to the shop." He told you as you began to pull back the duvet cover to make your way to his bathroom.

"Noooooooo! Don't goooo!" Harrison pleased, sitting up and wrapping his arms around your waist.

"I need to have a shower." You told him as you tried to pry his hands off your body with little luck.

"No you don't, you need to stay for morning cuddles." He informed you before you fell back under the covers. Harrison's hands were still looped around your figure and his chin was now resting on the top of your head.

Suddenly, Maxi stormed into the room.

"Right, we need to talk." He said sternly as you and Harrison wriggled away from each other and sat up against the headboard.

"What?" Harrison asked, clearly irritated by his roommate's uninvited prescense.

"Stop setting all our electronics into Spanish! Alexa has been shouting 'Lo siento, no entiendo la pregunta. ¿Desea cambiar la configuración de idioma?' and I can't figure out how to log into Netflix on the TV because it's all in Spanish!" He ranted whilst you and Harrison laughed uncontrollably. This was a little prank you both liked to play on Maxi a bit too regularly for his liking.

" Chill out Maxi, just tell it 'Cambiar idioma a alemana' and it will go back to English. " You informed him before he proceeded to march back out of the room.

"Wait, did you just tell him to put it in...." Harrison began to ask, realising what you had told Maxi. This extra prank was just going to add insult to injury.

"Maxi doesn't happen to speak German does he?"

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