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Chappo was out on yet another date with Jamie and you, for once, were at home on your own. It was around ten 'o' clock which was quite late for Chappo to be out. Despite your persistent efforts to convince him you were sixteen and perfectly capable of being on your own, he didn't like to leave you alone at night.

As if on cue with your thoughts, he walked through the door.

"Hey (y/n), sorry I'm late. The woman before us decided to pay with her loose change and took hoursssssssss!" He told you as he joined you on the couch where you were watching TV.

You weren't going to lie that without Chappo, Harrison, Abi or any of the boys down at the beach you just got kind of bored and ended up watching loads of Netflix which is what had happened tonight.

"Hey Chips! It's fine, how was your date?" You asked.

"It was really good thanks, what new series have you got into tonight?" He responded.

"Suits, do you want to watch?" You answered him.

"Never heard of that but sure I'll watch." He replied and that is exactly what you both did until about three 'o' clock in the morning.


Yet another thing to add to your list of things to remember- don't go to bed at three when you have to get up for the early shift at five thirty.

Luckily, you and your brother had managed to land Tower duty for the day meaning you wouldn't have to do any physical exersize but you still had to focus which required more energy than you both had. However, you had a job to day and you would make sure to do it right.

"Are you two OK? You look more hungover than Whippet did after the Christmas work do a couple years back." Reidy joked as he came and sat with you and Chappo.

"We're fine, we just got around two hours sleep last night." Chappo replied.

"Why? What happened?" Reidy questioned, looking genuinely concerned.

"Nothing happened Reids! We just decided it would be a good idea to binge Netflix for five hours." You explained and laid your heavy head on the desk as it was now you and your brother's lunch break which, at this level of energy, meant nap time.

"Look, I get you guys are tired but you can't sleep in the tower, what if Hoppo comes in?" Reidy questioned and you looked to your left to see Chappo in exactly the same position as you.

"But Reidy...." You both whined in unison.

"I feel like I've lived this moment before." Reidy stated.

"Too tired to access memory." You mumbled before once again placing your head on the desk.

"OK Chapmans, I will wake you up when your break is over or if Hop comes in." He told you.

"Thanks Reids." You replied before drifting off into a much needed mid-day sleep.

A/N: Hi guys! Do any of you guys know what Reidy is talking about? If you do please leave a comment! 😊

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