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"And that's five!" Maxi exclaimed after snapping a picture of you at the harbour.

"Next we've got to go to the headland." You told him before running down the road. 

However, with the rainy conditions and the lack of friction on the tarmac, you managed to slip over, whacking your knee as you hit the ground. Let's just say that you said some pretty unmentionable things.

" Oh my gosh (y/n), are you OK?" Maxi enquired having heard your fairly loud cursing.

"I don't think my knee is OK." You answered, pointing to your kneecap which definitely didn't look like it did a couple minutes ago.

"You've dislocated that pretty well!" He joked which earned one of your signature glares.

"Not funny." You huffed although it was a struggle to act annoyed when you were in the amount of pain you were.

"I'm sorry. Do you want me to call an ambo?" He questioned coming down to your level and examining your knee in more depth.

"No no no. Can't you try putting it back in?" You questioned, fully aware of his response.

"I wouldn't have any idea of where to start and I definitely don't want my first try to be on you." Maxi replied.

"I'm going to call Chappo and ask him to come and find us." He informed you whilst reaching for his phone.

"No need." You responded, pointing to a figure who was rushing towards you and Maxi.

"Hey Chips, where did Whippet go?" You greeted cheerily in an attempt to mask your agony.

"Hey (y/n), where did your knee go?" He returned, joining you on the ground.

"I don't know, but somewhere a lot more... Painful that normal." You responded, pausing when a sharp shooting pain snaked around your leg.

"I think we need to take you to hospital." He stated.

That was when it hit you. The pain, the stress and the thought of having to go to hospital was too much than you could take and you began to feel the tears pouring down your cheeks. You weren't sure where the tears ended and the rain drops began but you didn't really care.

"I don't want to Chips." You uttured in a small voice as he gently placed his arm around your shoulders so you could lean onto his side.

"I know you don't, but I promise it'll be fine." He assured you.

"This is the most I've missed Bondi our entire trip."


"Because if we were at bondi then I would have the methoxyflurane and I would be in significantly less pain than I am now." You answered him, digging your nails into your other thigh when another wave of pain took over your lower body.

"Wait guys, don't you just pee on it?" Maxi enquired. You and Chappo turned you heads around to give him a glare. Perhaps it was a Chapman thing.

"That's what you do for a jellyfish sting Maxi." You corrected him.

"I know! It was just a little joke." He lied, failing to fool you or your brother who just sent him an identical stare as previous. It was definitely a Chapman thing.

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