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Timeskip 1 week:

It was one of those uncommon days when Harrison was working and you were not and you were most certainly bored. More bored than bored. You were even more bored than Sherlock when he doesn't have a case but you weren't about to start shooting the wall of your apartment.

You decided to cure this boredom by calling  your brother, who you recall having the day off too.


Hey Chips!
Hey (y/n), what's up?
I'm bored!!!!
Me too, I got so bored that I started tidying the cupboard by the front door.
And I thought I was as bored as it gets! That cupboard must have taken years to tidy!
I gave up after about half an hour.
Do you want to come over?
OK, I'll be there in fifteen
See you!

In just a little over fifteen minutes, there was a knock at the door.

"Hey Chappo!" You greeted, holding the door open to let him inside.

"Hey (y/n) how is my future niece/nephew?" He asked, sort of looking down at you bump as he spoke which you found amusing.

"Definitely not on the same sleep cycle as me. The thing that's carrying them is fine too thanks for asking! How are you?" You joke in reply.

"Good thanks, glad to be out the flat." He told you.

"Why?" You enquired whilst inviting him to sit down in the sofa.

"Because the things that were in the cupboard are just now out of the cupboard all around the kitchen and living room." He laughed with you participating aswell.

"I literally can't believe you're going to have a baby!" He exclaimed. Chappo had said that a lot since you had told him the news about three months ago. He didn't say it in a bad way but in an manner that showed he was excited to be an uncle which you knew to be true as he had told you directly.

"I know, it feels like time's passing  really quickly." You agreed with him.

"It just makes me think of all the times from when you were a baby." He stated.

"Like what?"

Flashback 21 years to your birth:

Your mum lay on the bed in the operating room. She was having an emergency c-section as you were laying in a difficult position to be born in.

Chappo was outside in the waiting room. He had been sitting there all day waiting to meet his little sister when a doctor came out and called his name.

"Chris Chapman?"

"Yea that's me, is my Mum OK?" He enquired. After the doctors had sprung the emergany c-section on them, he had been anxious- it was understandable given that he was only seventeen. Your mum, however, knew that it would all be alright and was just happy to know that it would mean a safer birth for her baby girl.

"We've had a few complications during the procedure but she should be OK after having some time to recover." He told him with a reassuring tone arising in his voice as he noticed the teenagers increased panic.

"What about the baby, is she OK?" Chappo questioned the medic.

"She's fine, the nurses are just cleaning her up but you can go and see her." He responded, pointing to a door halfway down the corridor he had just emerged from.

"Thankyou." He responded but wasted no time in making his way to the appointed room.

He opened the door to hear to newborn cry that came from your tiny mouth.

"Ah, you must be this little one's older brother. Chris is it?" The nurse greeted him. She had kind and warm eyes and was extremely calm despite the screaming infant she held in her arms.

"Yea." He answered, unable to say more as he was too engaged with observing his new sibling.

"If you take a seat there then you can see if you can calm her down." She laughed and he complied by following her instructions. You were the first baby your brother had held as all your cousins were younger than you.

"Here you go, use one arm to support her body and the other to hold her head up." The midwife instructed him whilst passing you over.

"She's so small." He almost whispered.

He gladly but cautiously took you into his arms and look down at your tiny face which no longer seemed to be emitting the horrific noice it had been previously.

"You can tell you're her brother!" She exclaimed as she watched you instantly become calm and relaxed.

Instead of responding, Chappo just looked up at her with a huge smile.

Flash foward to you age one:

Chappo was looking after you for the day whilst your mum was at a training day for her job. This, as was did today, usually meant going down to Bondi. He didn't work as a lifeguard at that point but he still was down there most of his free time, whether it was surfing with his friends or watching his baby sister laugh her head off as she destroyed the sand castles he would make for her.

"Do you want to go to Bondi?" He asked you, not expecting any response other than your babbling.

"A!" You replied, holding your arms up to him.

"I'll take that as a yes." He said whilst scooping you up of the floor and beginning to pack a bag of all the things your mum had told him time and time again to remember when he took you out. No matter how many times she lectured him about it, most of the items would be forgotten except the essentials.

Timeskip to at the beach:

Chappo was laying on a towel in the sand whilst watching you play beside him. By play I mean try to put things in your mouth which he would have to pry off of you.

You may have been a baby but you already had a love for the water which was where you wanted to go now that he had taken away all the fun things you were trying to experiment with.

Without being able to speak, it was quite hard for you to grasp his attention and you had to result to pulling on his fingers in hope that he would understand what that meant. Instead of taking you to your desired ocean, he just continued to smile.

"Appo!" You yelled which made your brother immediately jolt upright.

"What did you say?" He asked in shock.

"Appo! Appo! Appo!" You repeated with a smile that was only beaten in size by Chappo's after hearing his sister's first word be his name. It shouldn't have been a surprise to him regarding the fact that he had been trying to teach you it for a couple months, even trying Chappo instead of Chris to see if that was easier which, evidently, it was.

"You're so smart Kaia!"

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