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Timeskip 1 hour:

"Here, I got you some ice chips, how are you feeling?"  Harrison enquired upon his return to your room.

"Thanks Harri, I'm doing good, Jake said that in a few hours I  should be ready to push. I just can't wait to meet our baby!" You replied, gratefully accepting the cup from him.

"Neither can I, have we decided upon a name yet?" He enquired, taking the seat next to you.

"If it's a boy, I think we decided upon Oscar and for a girl I really like the name we were discussing a couple days ago in the tower." You told him before before being entirely consumed by the excruciating pain of your advancing labour's contraction.

Harrison immediately offered you his hand which you took without thought and squeezed it so hard you thought you might have broken every one of his bones.

"You're doing so well baby, just a couple more hours and it will all be over." He praised, you looked up and smiled.

"Can you tell Jake I want my epidural now please."

Timeskip 2 hours:

"(y/n), it looks like you're ready to start pushing, you good to go?" Jake enquired.

"Yep, I'm ready for baby number three!" You answered enthusiastically despite the amount of discomfort you were continuing to experience, even though you had been  given your desired pain relief.

"Lets get this show on the road then." Your midwife smiled, getting in position to guide you in birthing your child.

"Baby you've got this." Harrison half-whispered, stroking your hair before, once again, taking your hand into his own.

"OK, ready, push."

Timeskip 45 minutes:

"They are so nearly here (y/n), do you think you can manage one more?" Jake asked. As you can imagine, it's rather tiring pushing a baby out for forty five minutes straight, but having Harrison holding your hand and knowing that very soon you would be a mother of three made you resilient in your attempts.

"I hope so." You panted before pushing the same way you had for the best part of an hour, except after this time you heard the  cry of your baby.

"Congratulations..." Jake began, cleaning some of the mess off of the baby before placing them gently on your chest.

"It's a girl."

You couldn't help but shed a tear as you looked down at your perfect baby girl and thought how lucky you were to have her as you own. You looked up to Harrison whose eyes also threatened to overflow.

"Hey baby girl." You muttered, holding her closely.

"She's so beautiful." Harrison stated, looking at his daughter in awe.

"She has the boy's eyes." You added, glancing at the infant whose eyes fluctuated between open and closed as they adjusted to the brightly lit hospital room.

"Yea you do baby girl, you have eyes just like your big brothers." Harrison told her, placing one of his hands on her back.

"Have you got a name for her?" Jake enquired.

You looked at Harrison who nodded at you.

"Her names Annie, Annie Rae Reid."

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