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Six months had passed and you still weren't able to go back to work on the beach, well, you were allowed to work in the tower but that was the extent of your duties.

When you first returned form England, you had a couple weeks of physiotherapy but, when that proved futile, the doctors decided it would be necessary to perform reconstructive surgery on your ACL. It turns out that not only does this surgery hurt like something you're too nice to say, but it also takes ridiculously long to recover from. The orthopaedic surgeon told you that you would most likely have to have the knee brace for another three months. Knee brace equals no physical work.

"I've just got a text from Hoppo telling me to go over, I'll be back in a minute." Harrison (who was on tower duty with you) informed you for kissing the top of your head and exiting the tower.

The water was pretty calm today. Well, calm at Bondi just meant that there was no flash rips or thirteen foot waves.

Mouse and Chappo were down at South end whilst Reidy and Bacon were located at the northern set of flags.

There were hardly any people on the beach as it was around seven during school term time. Despite the tranqill conditions, you still kept your eyes on the water.

About ten minutes later, Harrison still hadn't returned. You hoped nothing was wrong. Just as you had expected, there had been no trouble in the water or on the sand given that there were only around twenty people to make trouble and they were all up the north end having a game of football. Normally, this would be policed by the lifeguards but as it was late and they weren't causing any trouble or bothering any beach goers, you decided to let it slide.

Taking your line of sight from the north to south, you noticed a man who looked like he was in a bit of trouble in backpackers rip. You radioed Mouse to inform him but luckily they had already spotted him.

"Thanks, we've been watching him for a couple minutes. I think Chaps going to head out in a minute if he can't get back in." Mouse told you.

However, when you picked the binoculars back up, the guy was gone. He had just vanished. A second ago you had both thought he was alright, just struggling a bit, but now he was gone.

" Mouse, where did he go? " You questioned in panic as you saw your brother dart into the water.

"I don't know but we need the defib here if he's gone under." Mouse responded. You didn't know what to do. You started to wish for Harrison's return but it was too late. Even without the binos, you could see Chappo performing the resus signal.

What do you do when you're the only one in the tower? What do you do when there's no buggies? What do you do when there's no passing beach goers to carry the defib for you?

You run.

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