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"Took your time Chapmans!" Reidy stated as you and your brother raced for the seat in the buggy. After a considerable amount of pushing and shoving Reidy had had enough.

"Right both of you on the back now!" He commanded.

"But Reidy..." You and Chappo whined simultaneously like you were small children.

"No more arguing, sit down now!" He directed as the two of you slumped down on the back and began driving the buggy towards the northern set of flags.

"You are so annoying!" Chappo huffed.

"I'm allowed to be, I'm little and cute!" You answered looking over to your brother's now grinning face.

"Yea guess you are" he agreed.

Time skip 1 hour:

You were now stood on the back of the can-am, occasionally directing a surfer away from the swimming area but mostly just laughing at your brother and Reidy who were sat in the buggy arguing over who would have a better shot at winning over a woman who was sun bathing on the sand.

"What's so funny (y/n)?" Chappo asked.

"The fact that either of you think you guys have a shot with her!" You laughed whilst keeping your eyes on the water.

"Why not, what's wrong with us?" Reidy asked before turning around to realise you were gone.  He looked over the Chappo to see him with his face in his palms.

"Chap Where's..." He began before turning his head to the right and seeing you talking to the woman.

"Excuse me miss" you said politely, not wanting to appear rude to a complete stranger.

She sat up so she could see you and said softly in a British accent,

"What's wrong sweetie?"

"Well, firstly, sorry for disturbing, but my brother and his friend..." You said pointing to where they were sat in the buggy. As you looked closer you could see Chappo with his head in his hands and Reidy trying to look occupied so she didn't think he had been staring.

"... Are arguing over who you'd rather date." You finished causing her to erupt into laughter.

"Well you see honey, they both look lovely but I'm actually here on my honeymoon, my husband has just gone for a swim!" She explained.

"Congratulations and thanks, they were driving my head in with their arguing!"

"Thankyou! Glad I could be of help." She replied as you began to turn around to face the buggy.

"How old are you sweetie, you look quite young to be a lifeguard!" She exclaimed resulting in a proud grin spreading across your face.

"I'm 13 and I've just got my position as a trainee today!" You stated, pride dripping from your words.

"Well congratulations to you too!"

"Thankyou! I better get back to work now though, have a good day!" You said as you returned to the red faces boys.

"Why the heck would you do that (y/n)?" Chappo asked angrily.

"Cos you two wouldn't shut up" you replied returning to your position standing on the back of the buggy.

"Who did she choose?" Reidy asked, more excited than annoyed.

"She's actually on her honeymoon but she said you both looked 'lovely'"  You answered imitating her accent when saying 'lovely'.

"That sucks" he said, pouting and returning his attention to the water.

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