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A/N: This chapter is going to be a flashback to (y/n) age eight so will be written in italics. I hope you enjoy!


"Can we go surfing Chips?" You questioned from where you were stood at the shoreline.

"I'm really sorry (y/n), I know I said we'd go surfing today but I have to stay here and work. Hop said I can have tomorrow off so we'll go then." He told you: not the news you wanted to hear.

You had been staying with Chappo for the last couple days and tomorrow was the day your Mum picked you up and took you back to Whitehaven, so you knew you would only get about an hour in the surf if you waited.

"But Chapppppooooooo." You whined, putting on your best 'I' m in a strop' face which was hard when you were only eight years old.

"Dotn give me that face you'll make me feel guilty and I really can't take you surfing today!" He laughed with one eyebrow half-raised. It only took a couple moments of this glare for you to start giggling.

"Reidy..." You began.

"Yes baby Chapman?" He replied.

"You know I'm like your favorite person ever..."

"I'm on a break in ten minutes so I can take you then if that's OK with Chappo." He answered, a smile spreading across your face.

"Chips?" You asked.

"Yea that's fine but you have to be careful because it is heaving down down here today." He told you.

"I am always careful."

Timeskip half an hour:

You had spent the last ten minutes out in the surf with Reidy and you were both realising how right Chappo was about the amount of people in the surf.

You hadn't even been able to catch a wave yet due to the other people who would surely crash into you.

"Mini Chappo I think you can get this next one." Reidy informed you, spotting a lul- not in the waves but in the other surfer's presences.

"Thanks Reids, I've just got to get on it without someone sneaking in front of me now." You responded, already paddling as the collum of water moved closer and closer towards you.

Within no time, you were stood up on the wave- wind blowing your hair in a magnitude of directions and everyone around you seemed to disappear. That was,  until some reckless and careless surfer rammed straight into the back of your board causing you to fall face first. This not only felt like it broke your nose but created an intense burning pain in your shoulder to a point at which you couldn't paddle.

You let the board continue to ride the wave until you were in knee deep water, by which time Reidy had recognised the situation and was riding the next wave towards you.

"Hey (y/n) are you OK? What did you do?" He enquired. You looked up at him to reveal your bloodied nose and your inability to apply weight to your shoulder.

"He ran into the back of my board and then I fell onto my face and my shoulder really really hurts." You chocked through sobs you were unable to control.

"Hey you're OK, you're OK, it's going to be fine. If I hold your shoulder in place can you get of your board?" He questioned: you nodded in response and, with his assistance, moved to a standing position in the water.

"I want Chappo." You muttered in your small voices, tears no longer falling but still stained in your red cheeks.

"Look, he's right over there, we can go and see him now."  Reidy told you in an encouraging voice.

Each step caused you to seeth with pain.

"Oh my gosh (y/n) what happened? Are you OK? Reidy what happened?" He questioned frantically.

"Basically, I might not be as careful as I once thought."

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