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A/N: Hi guys! This chapter does talk about anxiety and I know that is a trigger for some people so I just thought I'd let you guys know. It isn't the soul focus of the chapter but is mentioned so if you dislike talk about that then skip this chapter. Thanks so much for 4k reads and 100 votes! I never thought that this book would get that many so I am so grateful to everyone who is reading this! I hope you enjoy this chapter! 😁

After your day off, you were back in the tower telling Whippet about your school when you saw Chappo open the door of the tower and beckon for you to go over to him.

As you stood up, you got a sharp pain in your head and your vision blurred. Whippet's arms wrapped around the back of you after you had stumbled back into him.

"Are you alright (y/n) ?" Chappo asked with a worried expression, he came over to you and pushed you gently back into your seat.

"Yea I'm good, I think I just need a drink." You assured him. Chappo then passed you a bottle that was placed on the desk and you took a large gulp of the water.

"I think you should stay here today instead of coming down on the beach." He told you with, what you called, his 'mum' face.

"But Chips..." You whinged but he gave you a look which told you that he wasn't going to let you. You huffed dramatically and crossed your arms. Maxi then walked into the tower.

"What are you in a mood about?" He enquired.

"Chappo's being annoying." You replied.

"No, Chappo's being a responsible adult and not letting his sister get hurt." He contradicted.

"You're being overdramatic, I'm fine!" You argued and stood up to prove it- bad idea.

The whole room started to spin and you could see your vision getting darker and darker which wasn't pleasant, especially considering you couldn't hear either.

The last things you felt before you passed out were your brothers arms holding you up.

Time skip:

When you regained consciousness, you were laying on the sofa of your's and Chappo's apartment. Your head still hurt a bit and your vision was back to normal, however, you did feel slightly travel sick.

A minute after you woke up, Chappo came to check on you.

"(y/n) you're awake! Are you alright?" He questioned, still looking anxious.

"I think I'm good," you began as you sat up.

"Why did I pass out?" You asked.

"I don't know, I booked you a doctors appointment this afternoon." He responded nervously because he knew what your reaction would be.

"No no no no no! No doctors appointment Chips!" You told him frantically with an anxious look in your eyes.

"Don't worry (y/n), I know you don't like it but I promise it will be fine." He reassured you whilst sitting next to you and giving you a side hug.

"But they'll just want to talk about my hearing like the last time and I'm done talking about that!" You tried to convince him.

"I'll make sure they just talk about the current problem, now come and have some lunch." He answered but you shook your head.

"What's wrong?" He asked looking sympathetic.

"I don't want it to happen again." You replied with fear enveloped in your voice and tears beginning to wall down your cheeks.

"Hey it's OK." He comforted whilst holding you tighter.

"It won't happen again, and you've passed out before and it hasn't scared you, what else is it?" He questioned, knowing you all too well.

"It's different because I can't hear. When I stood up, I couldn't see you or hear you, I couldn't tell what was happening- do you know how scary that is? It's like when I go to sleep at night, I lay there with my eyes open for hours until I physically can't stay awake any longer because I wouldn't be able to hear if someone came into my room. " You explained with tears now streaming down your face.

"Why didn't you just tell me?" He asked.

"Because I didn't know if you'd understand or think I was crazy." You replied.

"Off course I don't think you're crazy! I obviously don't know what it's like but I can imagine I'd feel the same way." He emphasised and you pulled away from him to grab the TV remote.

"What are you doing?" He enguired- confused by your actions.

"We really need to lighten the mood." You informed him as you put on bad education on the TV.

"Good idea! " He laughed and you both sunk back into the sofa simultaneously- Abi may have been right!

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