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Timeskip 2 months:

You were all having a quiet day at home- which was a rare occurrence when you have two year old rambunctious twin boys.

Much to their unenjoyment, Ethan and Arthur had got their shots yesterday and, like they always would, were not feeling their best.

They weren't violently ill, but ill enough to have a fairly high temperature and for them to want to cuddle you and Harrison all day instead of playing in the cupboards, toilets, or whatever mischief they got up to on a daily basis.

"Mumma..." Arthur began quietly.

Both twins had their heads rested on your  bump which you considered adorable, as did your husband.

"Yea baby boy?" You prompted for him to continue.

"When's baby coming?" He enquired as he gently poked your stomach.

"Not too long, are you excited to meet your little brother or sister?" You responded.

"Uh huh, they play cars?" Ethan asked.

"I'm sure they'll love to play cars when they're older." You assured him, before noticing Arthur's eyes drooping open and closed for a few seconds and eventually sealing shut, signifying he was off into his little dream land.

You could never decide if this was cute, funny or creepy, but occasionally when the boys were asleep, you could here them both babbling to each other.

To begin with, you thought they were awake, however, after checking on them time and time again, you confirmed they just had conversations in their sleep.

They weren't saying actual words either, just mumbling, how they would when they were about one year old.

"Mumma I hot." Ethan informed you.

"I know baby, do you want to come up here and I'll take your jumper off?" You suggested and he shuffled up from the place he had been layed down for the last hour or so to where you could reach him.

It wasn't a far distance, but as you couldn't move in fear of waking Arthur, you weren't able to stretch down to him.

After you took his jumper from him, Ethan immediately placed his head on your chest.

"I sleepy..." He muttered before promptly fally asleep- you wished it was that easy for you; you always found it harder to get to sleep when you were pregnant.

You just hoped that you wouldn't experience one of your 'surges of nausea' whilst you had two toddlers leaning most of their body weight on you.

"Are you OK?" Harrison whispered, entering the bedroom in 'stealth mode'.

"Yea I'm good, I'm enjoying my new position as a pillow." You laughed, being very careful not to move your stomach too much.

There were two reasons you and Harrison were both desperate not to wake the boys: reason one being that they were sick, and needed to get their sleep- that was the main reason. But the second reason was that when you had twin toddlers, it was a rare occurrence that they were both asleep and quiet during the day.

Don't get me wrong, you loved that they were so lively and excitable (you wouldn't have it any other way) but sometimes it was nice to have a calm and peaceful house for once- especially when you knew that in three months time the house would be manic, and you couldn't wait.

"Look at them, I still can't believe that we made them." Harrison told you after managing to snake his arm around your shoulders.

"Neither can I."

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