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Flashback continued:

You were finally at Bondi and you couldn't wait to get out on the water. A good thing about being a lifeguard was that Chappo could keep his and your boards at the tower so you never had to carry them far.

Once you reached the sand, you climbed down off of your brother's back and started jumping up and down in excitement.

"Come here (y/n), let me put your suncream on." Chappo signed to you but you stayed right where you were.

"I'm seven Chips, I can do it myself." You informed him, stretching your arm out ready to receive the bottle.

"Here you go then, I'm just going to get your board then I'll be right back. Is that OK?" He enquired.

You shook your head.

Even before everything happened with your hearing you were a shy child in front of others, but after, you were extremely clingy to Chappo as you didn't want to find yourself in a situation where you wouldn't be able to understand what someone was saying.

This didn't last too long as you soon found confidence in just telling people straight away or attempting to lip-read which you mastered a couple months later.


You had made it into the water and were still determined to catch the barrel of your seven year old dreams.

"Chips look! That is so mine!" You exclaimed, pointing to a large wave forming in the distance.

By this point, Chappo had given up trying to tell you that he thought waves were too big or too powerful. It only ever led to you wanting to ride them more.

" OK! I'll go a bit further down and catch it too!" He informed you as you began paddling. Being seven meant you had to start this long before your brother but you would do anything to catch the perfect wave.

It soon came and began carrying you to the shoreline. You could see Chappo standing up out of the corner of your eye so you followed his example and did the same. Your wild hair was blowing every direction from the wind but you couldn't care less. All you cared about was the ocean.

Although, all good things gave to come to an end and, sure enough, this did too.

Just as you were shallow enough to stand in the water, you jump of your board and looked around for Chappo, who was nowhere to be seen.

One minute he's right next to you on the wave, the next, he's gone.

You decided the smart plan would be to leave the water, not only because you would have better view, but because you could tell any second now your face was going to meet the tip of someone's board.

After five minutes of continuing to scour the water for his figure you realised that you would have to talk to someone. The easiest option would be a lifeguard but you couldn't see any nearby that you knew.

Little did you know that Chappo was looking for you halfway down the beach.

Suddenly, you felt someone tap on your shoulder. You turned around nervously only to see Reidy's face beaming down at you.
Chappo and Reidy were very close friends so you knew him well. The only reason you hadn't spotted him was because he was off duty, and not wearing a blue shirt.

"Hey baby Chspman, where's Chappo?" He asked and fortunately you could understand. Seeing as Reidy spent so much time around you, he had picked up a lot of sign language.

"I can't find him." You responded, simultaneously bursting into tears and having Reidy hug you for comfort.

"Shall we go up to the tower and see if we can find him for you?"


It only took fifteen minutes to locate your brother but it felt like years.

"Look who's coming up!" Reidy signed before pointing to Chappo ascending the stairs.

You immediately ran through the tower door and jumped into his awaiting arms.

"Where'd you go?" You asked as he held you close to him, almost as if he would lose you again if he didn't.

"We must of got taken different directions on the wave. I swear I will never lose you again OK." He told you with a look on his face that made you certain he would stay true to his word.

You leant forward and leaned the side of your face on his shoulder.

"OK, and I promise not to tell Mum."

Flashback ended:

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