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You and Reidy walked out of the tower and down the stairs towards the rhino.

"Now the fun police is out of sight we can actually have a good time" Reidy joked making you laugh.

"He is so protective its always like '(y/n) don't go surfing without me, don't go swimming without me, don't even go to the beach without me', It's exasperating!" You exclaimed throwing your arms in the air.

"What does he think I do back in Whitehaven?" 

"I know but down here we see so many people who can't look after themselves in the water and you know where that leads don't you?" Reidy defended

"Of course I do but me and Chips haven't gone surfing together since I was 9 and I'm home schooled so most of my days consist of surfing!"

"Well hopefully today you can show him that" He relied as you both sat down into the now prepared buggy.

"North or South end?" You asked

"We'll patrol down backpackers today as the swell seems to be picking up" You nodded as he began to drive down the beach.

For the next half an hour you watched Reidy shout through the megaphone at useless swimmers who decide to ignore signs or instructions. Just as he came to sit back down after his last scolding of tourists a humongous black cloud appeared out of nowhere and you started getting pelted by raindrops.

"What the heck is this Reidy, Bondi is meant to be 'sun central'!" You exclaimed annoyed at the sudden change in weather and temperature

"I have no idea that all this has come from, today was meant to be hot!" Reidy replied, just as annoyed as you were.

Over the next couple minutes, the beach and the water almost completely cleared leaving just you, Reidy and some of the bravest tourists remaining on the sand.

"It's freezing!" You complained wrapping your arms around your soaked body

"I know, I better not have to go out for a rescue!" Reidy answered as you saw something out behind the waves.

"Reid, what is that over there?" You asked, directing his line of sight to the object and he stood up to get a better look. Just as he did a call came over the radio and Reidy answered.

"Yeah I think I can see them..."

"Yeah I'm going out now"

He turned to face you with a worried look on his face

"You're a strong swimmer and surfer aren't you (y/n)?" He asked and you nodded, knowing exactly what he was implying.

"You get the one on the left and I'll get the one nearer the rocks" Reidy instructed as he took of his shirt.

"Okay" You said doing the same- luckily you had put your swimming costume on underneath your t shirt. 

Without another word you each grabbed a board and plunged into the ocean. The swell was around 6ft but you got and Reidy got out past the breakers quickly. As you got closer to your patient you realised how close to going under he was. You paddled as fast as you could exceeding Reidy despite your age and size difference. As you reached him his head was underwater but you plunged your hand under the water and scooped his head up onto his board. It was only then you realised he wasn't breathing so, somehow, you managed to grab him and pull him onto your board.

"Reidy he's not breathing" you said panicking glancing at your lifeless patient unlike Reidy's who seemed to be a lot better of  and might even be flirting with him despite being nearer to the rocks.

"Has he got a pulse?" He questioned a look of terror spreading across his face.

"No" you replied after checking his neck and wrists for one.

"Right, (y/n) I need you to start CPR on him on your board" He commanded. You wanted to panic. You wanted to scream. You wanted to cry but you knew what you had to do so you started to perform chest compressions. You had had CPR training at your junior life saving team back in Whitehaven but you never imagined having to use it so soon. After two rounds of CPR, you felt a pulse and he started to cough up water swaying the board slightly as you attempted to stabilise it. 

"He breathing Reids!" You called and heard him sigh in relief

"Head back in to the beach, the boy are waiting and an ambos on the way" He answered

You both caught a wave back in and as you neared the shoreline, Reidy and his patient got of their board and you followed as 4 of the boys ran into the water, grabbing the man off your board and pulling him to sit on the sand.

"How many rounds did you do?" Harries asked as Whippet and Hoppo checked out the guy on the beach

"I did two and then he came around" You answered

Everyone calmed down once the ambulance arrived and took the man you rescued to the hospital and suddenly all their attention turned to you, which you weren't pleased about.

"You do know that was incredible (y/n)!" Reidy stated making you go red from embarrassment.

"Thanks but its just what you guys do!" You replied modestly

"Yea but we're no 13 years old!" Whippet laughed

"Can we go up so I can get changed now?" You asked, trying to change the subject

"Yea sure" Reidy answered as you both ran up to the tower leaving Whippet and Harries to patrol the beach in the pouring rain.

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