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Time skip 2 months:

You were laying in bed with Harrison, looking down at your 12 week pregnant stomach. Despite being quite early along, there was already a decently sized bump but not one that wasn't hid by one of Harrison's lifeguard jerseys.

"I can't wait to see our baby for the first time." Harrison told you as he placed his hand on your stomach.

Today was the day of your twelve week scan and you were both so excited.

"Me neither! Soon we're going to have to tell the rest of the guys down at the beach because my bump is getting pretty big, especially for twelve weeks." You replied.

"We can if you want but I'm sure my shirts can hide it for a bit longer." He said.

"Let's get up Harri. It's nearly time to meet them!"


You were both in a waiting room again, but not the same one as last time, when your names were called by the sonographer.

"(y/n) and Harrison Reid?" She called with a smile on her face as she made eye contact with the pair of you.

After following her into the room she asked you to take a seat on the bed at the side of the room.

"So do you have any concerns about the pregnancy before I do the scan?" She enquired.

"Not really, I was just a bit confused as to why my bump is so big at only twelve weeks." You informed her. It was probably nothing but you knew that if you didn't ask you would just worry.

"Every baby is different, some are bigger than others and lie in different positions making the bump appear bigger so I wouldn't worry." She assured you whilst still upholding her bright and cheerful smile from earlier.

"I'm just going to put the gel on your stomach, it can sometimes feel a bit strange." She informed you before beginning to rub the unusually textured substance over you pregnant belly.

Turning around to the computer, she then picked up the hand held component of the sonography machine and pressed it to your stomach. She moved it around for a moment until, you pressumed, she found the correct angle at which the baby could be viewed properly.

"That's why your bump is bigger than normal." You stated. This would normally spark anxiety an expecting mother but the tone of her voice and her seemingly omnipresent smile convinced you it wasn't bad news.

Before you could even ask as to what the reason was, she spun the screen around to face you and Harrison. You didn't need to have medical training to understand what you saw on the screen.

In the area where one baby (or more likely one grey blob) would be, there were two.

"Its twins!"  You exclaimed. You couldn't believe your eyes but that didn't mean you weren't happy. Sure, it would be twice the work, twice the cost and half the amount of sleep but also twice the fun.

"Yep, identical by the looks of it." The sonographer added. You turned your gaze  to Harrison, who hadn't said a word and was leaning his chin on his hands as his eyes stayed fixed on the screen.

"Oh my gosh." He muttered, you weren't sure whether it was to you or just to himself.

"Are you not happy Harri?" You asked, suddenly worried by his reaction.

"Happy baby? This is going to be amazing! We're going to have two little Reids running around our apartment!"

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