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Timeskip 3 months:

"Oopsie!" You heard Arthur exclaimed from the living room.

You thought that at twenty one months it was safe to leave them alone for five seconds when you went to the bathroom but they always go up to some sort of mischief.

"Uh oh!"  Ethan added. You rushed into the room you left them playing in to see both boys covered in flour with the remainder of the bag all over the kitchen floor.

You had seen babies do this on Facebook, but you didn't really think it was likely to happen.

They hadn't spotted you yet, so seeing as they weren't in danger of hurting themselves, you decided to watch what they would do and film it for Harrison to see later.

"Big mess." Arthur stated, trying in vain to push the flour back into the open back because he knew he would him and his brother would be in trouble if the catastrophe was discovered.

"Artie look!" Ethan showed his brother the patterns he had made by smearing his hands in the flour.

"My go!" Arthur replied, erasing Ethan's work to start his own.

Shockingly, Ethan didn't contest this  but instead opened the cupboard again and started to search for something else to play with; this was when you knew it was probably best to intervene.

"What are you two up to?" You enquired. As  soon as they heard your voice, their heads shot round to look at you and their eyes went wide as if to say 'we' re in trouble now. '

"Big mess everywhere!" Ethan told you in an almost proud way. Perhaps he thought if he acted like they did it on purpose then you would praise them but then again, he wasn' t even two yet.

"I can see the big mess everywhere. Are you meant to be playing with the flour?" You asked them.

"No." They both replied with guilty expressions.

"No you're not because now both of you and the kitchen are very messy and that doesn't make mummy very happy. What do you say?" You told them.

"Sorry mumma." They answered and you brought them in for a big hug so they knew that you weren't still angry at them- even if they were both caked in flour.

"Good boys, now shall we go and have a bath to get you two monkeys clean?"


As soon as Harrison got home from work you had showed him the video you took and he thought it was absolutely hilarious, but didn't envy your having to clean them up.

Since you had been trying for another baby,  you took a pregnancy test every month, and today was the day you would check again if you were expecting.

"What do you think Artie? Do you think there's a baby in Mummy's tummy?" You asked Arthur who had woken up early from his nap and had joined you and Harrison in the bathroom to wait  for the  results of your pregnancy test. You didn't want to wake Ethan up as he was pretty tired from not only playing with the flour, but also splashing in the bubble bath and you knew that if he didn't get enough sleep he would get grumpy later.

It took you around a year to conceive the twins, so you weren't thinking it would be a positive result after only a couple months of trying.

"Mumma?" Arthur questioned, prodding your stomach and looking up at your face in confusing.

"You are far too young for that talk mister." Harrison told him.

"Agreed, and I think that's three minutes..." You informed, before taking the test from the side cabinet.

"What does it say?" Harrison enquired.

"It says that baby number three is on the way."

A/N: Hi guys! Thankyou so much for reading and happy new year! If you have any baby name ideas please comment!

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