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The kiss you shared after you answered felt like it lasted a lifetime. It was, however, broken when you heard cheering from the tower.

"Did you tell them?" You enquired.

"I thought I confided in Chappo and Reidy but apparently not." He answered.

"Come on, we might as well face the boys now." You laughed taking Harrison's hand before making your way up the beach.

When you arrived, most of the guys were waiting outside the tower- they must have been eagerly waiting for this moment.

You both received congratulations from most of them except from Reidy,

"You what this means?" He asked you.

"What?" You returned.

"There's going to be three Reids in the service!" He exclaimed. You hadn't really thought of that yet- not that you had had much time to think of anything in the couple minutes it had been but the question that was asked.

"I didn't really think of that." You responded.

"Don't worry, you'll always be a Chapman on the inside." Chappo told you.

"And you'll always be a Chapman in the way you glare at people when they annoy you." Whippet piped up and you weren't entirely sure what he meant.

"What do you mean." You enquired.

"You and Chappo both do it, whenever someone annoys you you give them the look, we call it the Chap-eyes!" He answered as he giggled along with the rest of the crew.

"What?" You and your brother both asked in sync.

"How have you not noticed, we've been calling it that since Marley was like six." He continued to laugh.

"Wait, had you even met (y/n) when she was six?" Chappo questioned him. Neither of you were annoyed by this new fact you had learnt, you were just intrigued as to how you had never noticed them calling it that.

"Yea, it was my first summer on the beach and you brought her down because your mum had to work on the bank holiday she had off school." He explained.

"Oh my gosh! I remember that, it was just after Chappo got the...." Before you could finish your sentence, Chappo clasped his hand over you mouth so you were unable to speak.

"After I had gotten my driving licence, that's what she was going to say." Chappo lied, somehow not noticing that you had peeled his hand from your face.

"No no no, I was going to say...." You began once again before being muted by Chappo- once again.

"OK, I promise I won't tell." You said, your voice muffled by his palm.

"Thankyou." He sighed, relieved his secret was safe- well safe as far as he knew.

"I remember that day, but where did the so called 'Chap-eyes' originate from?" You asked Whippet as Harrison took his place next to you and threaded his arm around your waist.

"Yea, I want to know. I knew we called it that but I never knew why. " Jesse added, followed by a mumbling of 'yea' s and 'me too' s.

" OK, so I got to work early...."

A/N: Hi guys, hope you are enjoying the book so far. Just so the ending of this chapter and the next one makes sense, the next chapter will be a flashback to the day Whippet is talking about. Thankyou sooooo much for reading! 😊

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