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So far, you had gained your luck in not having to perform a rescue in the freezing conditions, but then again, it was only three and you were on duty until seven.

Harrison and Jethro had gone to talk to Hoppo in his office, leaving you, Chappo and Reidy in the tower.

"Guys, you might have to go down south end for two guys stuck in the rip." Reidy informed you.

Ordinarily, you would have opposed this, but Reidy had broken his wrist whilst you were away so you weren't about to make him jump in for a rescue.

"How bad are they?" Chappo enquired.

"Pretty bad, you defo need to go." He confirmed. You and your brother groaned from annoyance but still raced out of the tower to the awaiting buggy.

"This is going to be worse than the eggs." You stated, grimacing as you removed your jumper and jersey.

"Nothing will ever be worse than the eggs." Chappo replied as he cringed at the memory. He had every right to- that night was not pleasant.

In near to no time, (due to Chappo's quick driving) you reached backpackers rip and dived into the water, knowing that any hesitation would only add the patient's risk of drowning and your risk of not wanring to go in at all.

The water was absolutely frigid. It felt as if  there were a thousand knives jabbing at your arms every time you plunged for a stroke.

This winter had been particularly cold, much to everyone's displeasure. It didn't help that your back was being beaten by hundreds of pellets of rain each second you were layed down on the board.

"Get on the board." You told the man icily, sparing no time for nicities for two reasons: reason one- the less time you spent in the water the better, and reason two- you were mad at this guy for going for a casual swim in the 'dangerous current' part of the beach.

Figuring that you had got wet enough for the day, you spent a couple more seconds than usual checking that both you and your patient were positioned correctly. That was all in vain when the man shuffled forward as soon as the wave caught the underside of the board.

Just like you had seen and experienced many times before, you went soaring into the air before being dumped into the water- only this time it was less like the sea and more like an artic lake that was yet to thaw.

"Thanks sweetheart." He stated once gaining his feet and beginning to climb the sand up towards the pavilion.

You were so engaged with other problems that you weren't even that mad at his derrogetory term of endearment.

Out of the corner of your eye, you could see Chappo smirking at your nosedive.

He was just about to say something when you halted him.

"Don't even Chappo." You stated firmly, taking your towel of the back of the buggy and wrapping yourself in it.

"I wasn't going to!" He defended, throwing his hands up in surrender.


"Don't you dare laugh." You warned the others as you entered the tower and stormed over to your locker to retrieve some dry clothes.

"We would never laugh at such a skilled pilot. Tell me, how did it feel soaring through the sky?"

Chappo's Little SisterWhere stories live. Discover now