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A/N: Hi guys! I have been really enjoying writing about the twins as babies and was wondering if you could comment any scenarios you would like me to write about whilst they are babies (that would fit with the theme of the story). If you do please comment them or put a post on my profile! Thank you so much for reading, I hope you en

Timeskip 1 week:

"Baby, come here, come look at this!" Harrison called from the living room whilst you were changing Arthur's nappy in the boy's bedroom.

"Coming!" You replied, picking your baby off the floor. So much for buying a changing table, you had to stop using it because they would just try and wriggle off which you saw as an accident waiting to happen.

"What is it?" You enquired, putting Arthur down on the floor to crawl around.

"Chappo's Facebook status just changed..." He began but then handed you his phone.

You fixed your eyes on the 'status' area of his profile and read the phrase 'in a relationship'.

"He hasn't told me about anyone!" You exclaimed. You were both really excited that he had finally found someone and at the same time you were surprised and annoyed that he hadn't told you before.

"And also..." Harrison was about to continue but stopped when he saw the phone you were holding to your ear.



Hi (y/n), what's up?

We need to talk Chris

Don't 'Chris' me, that's either Mum's thing or a 'I' m mad with you thing'.

Well I am mad with you

Is this a 'I' m mad at you because you did something horrible' or a 'I' m mad at you because you used my hair straighteners. '

You used my hair straighters!?!

Just one time when my hair had a bump in it I couldn't get out.

Well steering clear of that... I' m mad at you because you have a girlfriend and you didn't tell me.

What!? Why do you think I have a girlfriend?

Because you're Facebook thinks you have a girlfriend.

Shoot! I must of clicked the wrong button when I was trying to edit my profile.

I recommend you change it back before the guys see it.

Too late

(Just as you were about to reply, you heard Ethan start crying and saw that it was nearly time for Harrison to leave for work.)

I'm really sorry Chips but I've got to go because Ethan is screaming and Harrison has to leave. Do you want to come over later?

Yea sure, I'll see you in a bit.

See you Chips.

Phonecall ended

"I've got to go baby but I'll see you after work." Harrison told you, his hand already on the door handle.

"See you later. I love you!" You responded.

"Love you too baby!" He returned before exiting the apartment, leaving you with two mischievous baby boys.

"Why are you crying little man?" You asked Ethan as you scooped him off the floor.

You found your answer as soon as you placed your hand under him to pick him up.

"I can't wait until you two are potty trained."

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