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Time skip to 6:

After saying goodbye to Abi, you made your way up to the lifeguard Tower to wait for Chappo.

About ten minutes passed before you saw him walk through the door.

"Sorry, I know I said 6 but backpackers is really pulling today." He apoligised whilst taking the seat next to you.

"Don't worry, I could see the amount of people you had to drag in." You replied.

"Soooo, tell me about your day." He requested.

"Well, it was awkward in the morning because my tutor didn't know I couldn't hear but then she put me next to Abi and we just got on really well and had all our lessons together. We even had swimming which was fun." You told him excitedly.

"See I told you it would be fun, I'm glad you had a good time." He answered.

"Yea, perhaps you were right." You mumbled, not wanting to admit it to your brother.

"What did you just say?!" He asked with a shocked expression on his face.

"Nothing." You responded very nonchalantly.

"Did my little sister just admit that I was right about something?" He questioned with a huge grin plastered across his face.

"OK fine yes! You were right! Now didn't you say you were going to teach me how to drive the buggy if I went to school?" You  enquired.

"Yea I will once there are less people on the beach- we don't want too many casualties we only have one spinal board!" He joked.

"Oh ha ha (!) I'm an excellent driver!" You informed him and he raised his eyebrows in contradiction.

Time skip to 7 o'clock:

"Look Chips, the beach is less busy now, can you pleeeaaaaasssseee teach me how to drive the buggy." You pleaded pulling the cute face you always made when you wanted something.

"Reidy's just packing up the flags so do you want to get changed into your uniform whilst we wait for him?"He asked and went off to grab your stuff from your locker for you.

"Alright." You replied- catching the bundle of clothing that had just been lobbed in your direction.

Time skip:

When you returned to the tower in your uniform you could see Chappo and Reidy having what seemed to be a rather heated conversation whilst they waited by the door for you. Unfortunately, they were facing each other so you couldnt make out what they were saying.

"What are you two arguing about?" You questioned after you poked them to get their attention.

"Nothing." You brother answered a little too quickly and you crossed your arms and gave him 'the look.'

"Look, I just think that Reidy should have to sit in the front because if we both die then there's no one left to carry on the blood line of our family." Chappo confessed.

"You have so little faith in me." You stated as you turned your face awaying in fake annoyance.

"C'mon let's go." Reidy said and he tried to pull you towards the beach but you stayed put.

"I'm not going until you say that you think I'll be a great driver." You informed him and they both gave you the same look you gave them earlier.

"Fine." Your brother replied as he walked up to you and, much to your surprise, picked you up and threw you over his shoulder.

"Chappo put me down!" You demanded whilst watching Reidy laughing his head off behind you and your brother who were now heading towards the sand. He did not comply.

"Chris, if you don't put me down right now I'm gonna tell Reidy about Danielle." You threatened in a quietened voice. This made him put you down rather quickly.

"Never ever tell anyone about that." He told you firmly.

"I wouldn't, if I did I'd have no leverage." You responded before skipping nonchalantly down the ramp to the beach.

Chappo's Little SisterWhere stories live. Discover now