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You had now been staying with Riedy for three days and you were starting to get worried about your brother. Despite his promise of calling you every night, he hadn't answered his phone for three continuous days. You thought maybe he didn't have signal but you had seen his friend's (who were with him) posts on social media.

"What's wrong?" Reidy asked as he came to sit next to you in the tower.

"Nothing, just Chappo ignoring me." You replied bluntly due to you irritation at your brother.

"I can assure he he wouldn't ignore you, his phones probably just dead." He told you.

"Yea, your probably right." You responded with a sad tone to your voice.

You suddenly felt Reidy pull you from your chair.

"Reidy, what are you doing!?" You exclaimed.

"We're going to patrol backpackers to stop you moping." He explained and released you once you were both outside the tower.

"Fine." You sighed and went to sit in the passenger seat of the Rhino.

Time skip:

Backpackers wasn't pulling that much so you had only done one or two rescues within the hour you and Reidy had been down there.

"Oh no no no no." You mumbled as you saw  your 'crush', as Reidy called him, walk down towards the water in front of you. You were worried Reidy may have heard you or noticed the redness that was now displayed a cross your face but there was something far worse to worry about- he was talking to him.

"Mate, you can't swim down here you've got to go inbetween the flags." Reidy informed him.

"Oh, I wasn't going for a swim, I was just going for a paddle." He explained and then turned and noticed you, resulting in more redness appearing on your face.

"Hi (y/n)!" He waved whilst you unwillingly walked over.

"Hi Jay!" You greeted and Reidy smirked. You stepped on his foot, subtly warning him not to say anything.

"Ow!" Reidy cried over dramatically to annoy you and Jay gave you both a confused and concerned look.

"Oh, don't worry about him, he gets stomach cramps from time to time." You lied and Jay nodded slowly.

"So, Jay, how do you know (y/n)?" Reidy questioned, despite knowing the answer.

"We have some classes together at school." Jay answered. Reidy smirked at you again.

"Sorry Jay, we have to get back to work but I'll see you on Monday." You said, desperately trying to escape this situation.

"Do you want to meet up sometime, like at the weekend if you're not working?"He enquired.

"Yea, that would be really nice, I've got Sunday off all day." You replied.

"OK, I'm free on Sunday, shall we meet down here?" He asked.

"Yea sure, I'll see you then." You responded.

"See you then!" He waved and walked back up the beach.

"Ooooooo someone's got a date!" Reidy teased.

"Shut up Reidy!" You scolded jokingly as you slumped down in the rhino trying to act annoyed at him but failed to hide the smile that was slowly crawling across your face.

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