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"So, to start this mornings briefing, we will be looking at our bets..." Hoppo stated, moving away to reveal the 'gender betting board' to the eight lifeguards that stood in the tower.

"Boys are winning by three votes." He announced.

"Wait, when did that happen?" You asked, consufed because the last time you viewed the board it was even.

"When we called an ambulance for the guy with the popped out shoulder yesterday." Tom informed you.

"And when I went to buy drinks at the cafe earlier." Jethro added, halfway through a sip of what looked like a slushie.

"How many people know aboutt our baby?" You laughed.

"Everyone! We don't mean to tell people, it just slips out like when we were telling people to move towards the flags." Reidy responded.

"I don't mind you telling people at all, but how did that fit in the conversation?" You enquired, looking to Harrison because you knew he was stationed with Reidy a couple days ago.

"I may have said something along the lines of 'moved up to the flags because I've told you over and over again and I'd rather be at home with my kids and pregnant wife than dragging you out of the ocean.'" Harrison admitted.

"Aw you are so cute." You stated, giving him a kiss.

"Brother present!" Chappo complained, covering his eyes like a child so you and Harrison continued to kiss.

"OK, OK you've made your point Finchel, now let's talk position's for today." Hoppo interjected, yet he couldn't stifle a chuckle and neither could the other lifeguards.

You were excited for today because Jules was working the same shift as you. She hadn't been working many shifts over the last year or so because she was doing a part time psychology course at a local university. You were really happy for her because she had been talking about doing it for a while but it did mean that you hardly ever spent any time together- you texted and video called a fair amount but you didn't think you had seen her since being pregnant for the second time.

"Harrison and Reidy are down at back packers, Jules and Jethro are in the tower and then later at the middle set of flags, Tom and Corey are up at the northern set of flags and Chappo and Marley I need to discuss something with you in my office." Your boss directed everyone before you and Chappo sent each other a look that said 'I have no idea what he's on about. '

Gradually, everyone moved to their stations for the day and you and your brother followed Hoppo across the street to his office.

"You two remember the competition you won earlier this year?" Hoppo questioned you both nodded slowly, not knowing where this was going.

"Well I got an email earlier this morning inviting you guys to an awards evening two weeks from now on the tenth and they want to know if you can make it." He explained.

"That days good for me!" Chappo responded before turning to you.

"As long as I'm not giving birth, that days good for me too!"

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