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A/N: Hi guys! Extra long chapter today! I have been watching the 'Bondi rescue Bali' episodes and really enjoying them so the next few chapters will be based around those episodes. Thank you so much for reading! ☺️

Timeskip 1 week:

"Marley's back!" Maxi exclaimed, engulfing you in an embrace after you entered the tower.

You had been off work for a week with your injury. You couldn't be one hundred percent sure, but you presumed the one of the shark's teeth had gone between the bars when it rammed into your side. Whatever happened, it hurt, a lot.

Hoppo had allowed you a full three weeks off but you really wanted to be back at work as soon as possible.

If you spent another two weeks at home then you would find it hard to leave the twins, just like you did after your maternity leave.

"Hey guys!" You greeted, claiming a seat at the desk.

Everyone was in the tower ready for the morning briefing- apparently Hoppo had some exciting news.

"Can we see it?" Jesse asked and you removed your shirt (leaving your lifeguard bakini underneath) to show them, as it was too far up your arm to roll your sleeve.

The sight of it made half the lifeguards lean in closer for inspection and half of them look away in disgust. You didn't think it looked that bad.

To be honest, you thought it was pretty cool that when people would ask 'where did you get that scar?' You could reply with 'oh, just a shark.' But really, you would rather have no scar at all.

"Right, Marley can you put your shoulder away so I can announce my news?" Hoppo asked, his face turned one hundred and eight degrees so he didn't have to view the wound.

You complied and put your shirt back on, leaving Maxi and Jesse pouting because they still had more inspections to carry out.

"Thank you, here is the good news: we are lucky enough to be part of a training program with our counterparts in Bali. We will be sending seven of you guys over to participate in about three weeks. The program will be for six weeks." Hoppo informed you, resulting in immediate commotion in the lifeguard tower- everyone wanted to go.

"But Hop, how are you choosing who goes?" Chappo asked- a question you were all silently brewing over.

"It's not my decision, the council have been looking at your individual progress and time on the beach and have decided who is going." Hoppo explained, after which you turned to your brother.

"So it's like in school when the people with the most achievement points get to go to the aquarium?" You whispered.

"Basically." He laughed.

"The lifeguards who are chosen are..." Hoppo began, getting his phone from his pocket, presumably to check an email for the list.

"Terry, Deano, Yatesy, Harries, Tom, Chappo and Marley, can you guys please get back to me within the next couple day with whether or not you are able to come." He announced.

The tower erupted into cheers of joy and groans of disappointment.

Not that they were unhappy to remain working on the beach- it was the best job in the world- even when the weather wasn't at its finest like it usually was by the end of the season.

You paused your celebrations and thought for a moment. You couldn't go to Bali and leave your babies for six weeks. Or could you?

This was a once in a lifetime opportunity, but on the other hand, they were your babies, and you weren't sure that Harrison would be able to cope with then all on his own, well, he would have Sam's help.

That's when you thought about Harrison. Could you leave you husband for that long?

You would have to talk to Harrison when you got home.

Timeskip to at home:

It had been an uneventful day at work, especially becuase you were trapped in the tower, but, as always, you were glad to be home.

"Hey baby boy!" You greeted Ethan, who was sat in his bouncer.

"Hey baby!" Harrison called from the twin's bedroom. He must have been changing Arthur.

"Hey Harri!" You responded, walking towards the room.

"How was work?" He enquired, struggling to strap a nappy to your son as he would roll over every five seconds.

"It was good, I need to talk you about something." You told him.

"Is it about how amazing I am at putting on nappys?" He asked, standing up with a now changed Arthur and giving you a kiss.

"Hey Artie!" You exclaimed, tickling his bare feet.

"No, it's about a work trip to Bali..." You began hesitantly.

"Wait, you got chosen for that? So lucky! Hold on, are you going to ask my permission to go because baby, if you want to go, you go. I'll be fine with the boys. I've always got Sam for back up." Harrison responded- this was one of the many reasons you married this boy.

"Are you sure? It will be for over a month, what if they forget who I am?" You questioned.

"Baby, they are not going to forget the person who they lived inside for nine months. If thats what you are worried about, then we can video call, and I will show then photos of you everyday." He told you.

"I love you." You said, placing you lips to his.

"I love you too."

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