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Timeskip 2 weeks:

You and Chappo had made it through the first four rounds together and were two days away from taking on the fifth.

Since you had arrived in Hawaii, your surf training had been non-stop; you had spent every day in the water. Seeing as you were now half way through the competition, you decided to have one day off, and just enjoy the new scenery without the pressure of having to practice.

"Chips are you nearly ready to go swimming?" You asked your brother who was taking far too long for someone who was choosing between dark blue and light blue swimming trunks.

"Yea, just one second..." He replied before finnaly exiting the bathroom.

"It's funny isn't it?" You questioned.

"How even when we decide to have a day away from the beach all we want to do is go swimming?" He laughed.

"Yep, but in fairness, we are going to a different beach." You returned.

"Hopefully this one has less jellyfish." Your brother stated, looking at a red line under his knee as you twisted to look at the mark across your back.

You probably should have enquired upon or googled about what creatures lurked in the sea you were competing in; at least then you would have been prepared.

You still weren't one hundred percent sure what kind they were but you could be certain that they hurt as much as or perhaps even more than blue-bottles.

"There should be less people aswell so we can just relax in the tranquility of the majestic and mystical Hawaiian waters." You told him, grabbing two towels off the back of the door and making your way out into the hallway of the hotel.

"Whatever you say Shakespeare!"

Timeskip 1 hour:

After taking forty five minutes to locate the 'hidden' beach, you and your brother had dived straight into the sea.

The water was crystal clear and the sand was a soft white colour and massaged your feet as you walked on it.

You were the only people in the water and there were only around ten others on the sand which wasn't surprising after discovering how hard it was to locate.

Unlike the other beach, there were hardly any waves and no rip currents which meant it was the perfect conditions for a relaxing swim.

"Wait (y/n), do you see that?" Chappo enquired, pointing to a black shape not too far from where you were treading water.

"What is that, it looks kind of sharky." You replied.

"I don't think it's a shark." He commented and, as if proving his assumption, the animal leapt from the skin of the water to reveal itself as a humpback whale.

"Shall we go and have a closer look?" You suggested with a huge smile on your face now you knew it was this beautiful creature and not your sharky nemisis.

"Yea, I mean it's safe if we stay a fair distance away from it, that's what I''ve heard." Chappo informed before you both began to swim towards the whale.

You stopped once you were about five metres away and had a spectacular view of the magical mammal gliding through the water.

"This is definitely an upgrade on jellyfish."

Chappo's Little SisterWhere stories live. Discover now