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A/N: Merry Christmas! I hope you guys had/ have/ are having a good day despite all the stuff happening in the world right now.

"Merry Christmas boys!" You exclaimed as you entered the tower with Ethan on your hip, Arthur holding your hand and Harrison behind you with both your bags and the twin's bags.

"Merry Christmas guys!" Maxi returned- quickly followed by everyone else in the tower.

"A!" Arthur shrieked excitedly, wriggling free from you hand and running to Maxi.

"Hey Artie! Are you looking forward to spending the day with uncle maxi?" He asked.

"Appy Appy!" Ethan greeted Chappo as he squirmed around in desire of being put down onto the floor and having the freedom to run to his uncle.

"Hi little man! Are you having a good Christmas?" He questioned his nephew whilst you took the seat beside him.

"He's having a very good Christmas! They opened a few of their presents this morning and... Well you can guess what their favorite was." You told him.

"Did you get shoes from father Christmas?" Chappo laughed, with Ethan now on his lap.


Timeskip 2 hours:

After handing over care of your children to Maxi, you and Chappo had been assigned to patrol backpackers rip.

The first hour of your day consisted of awaking people with hangovers from the Christmas eve parties the night before, and the occasional one who was still pretty drunk.

However, as the day went on and the temperature rose, more and more people flocked to the golden strip of sand and its enticing waters- even if those water did have a dangerous current sign warning people not to swim there.

"Guys, please, if you can't swim then don't swim in this area. Even if you can swim, your just drawing non swimmers over here so please can you swim between the flags." You instructed over the megaphone.

You didn't enjoy the fact that you were getting annoyed at people on Christmas day, but you're doing them a favor by not letting them drown.

"Sometimes I feel like this sign might as well be invisible." You sighed.

"Yea, or by the amount of people here it might as well say 'safest and most enjoyable area of the beach.'" Chappo agreed before grabbing a rescue board and racing into the water to save the nearly drowned victims of backpackers rip.

"So are you staying over at ours tonight?" You asked your brother once he had returned from his rescue.

"Yea I think so if that's OK with you guys." He answered.

"Off course, we can't break tradition!" You told him. You had only done this since you had moved out, but you hoped it was a tradition in the making.

Timeskip to 5pm:

You were sat in the tower with maxi, Ethan and Arthur whilst you waited for Harrison to finish his shift.

"Thankyou soooo much for looking after them Maxi!"

"That's OK! We had a great time! We learnt all about eating sand and touching jelly fish." Maxi replied.

"Did you touch a jellyfish Ethan?" You enquired- certain that he would have been the twin Maxi was recfering to.

"How did you know it was him? And yes, but only the top bit so he was fine." Maxi answered.

"Because Arthur is the more sensible." Harrison responded to maxi's question as he entered the tower and scooped Arthur from the floor.

"True. How was your day Harri?" You enquired.

"It was good, I missed you though." He replied, placing his son back down and draping his arms around your shoulders.

"I missed you too." You whispered, connecting your lips to his.

"Guys, I know its Christmas, but can you still get a room!"

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