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Time skip:

You had now arrived back at the beach and the boys able to check over the mother of the child you now held in your arms.
He didn't have any injuries and didn't show any signs of hypothermia as he had been kept out of the water for the most part.

However, when you first arrives at sure, the mother had gone completely unconscious and was still in that state now.

"I've just got the boys to call and Ambo, it should be here in ten minutes." You told the boys who were working on the unconscious woman.

The father wasn't injured but you were concerned about him because he was breathing very rapidly.

"Mate, you need to slow your breathing down." You said to him calmly

"I-I-I don't want anything t-t-to happen to h-h-her." He stuttered.

"She's going to be fine, an ambulance is going to come and they'll look after her." You assured, placing your baby-free hand on his shoulder.

He was still panicking so you decided it would probably be best to make some conversation as a distraction.

"So what are your names?"

"My name is Nathan, my wife's name is Chloe and our sons name is Oscar." He answered gesturing to the baby in your arms.

"Aw he's very cute, hold old is he?" You asked, looking at Oscar who was surprisingly comfortable in your grasp, despite the traumatic experience.

"He's eighteen months old but he can't walk yet- he likes to be held." He explained just as you saw two paramedic pushing through the 'ring of death'.

After about five more minutes that had assessed her and told her that she would need to go to hospital to get properly checked over, they then turned to you and the boys, who had stepped aside to allow them to work.

"I can be very distressing for a baby to see their mother in this kind of condition and Nathan really needs to be there fo his wife so would it be possible to leave the baby with you guys and Nathan could come and get him when you pack up?" One of the paramedics asked, looking at you in particular as you were holding Oscar.

"I can stay with him in the tower with him, I wasn't meant to be working today anyway. " You replied as you turned to Hoppo who gave you a nod in agreement.

"Thankyou so much guys we'll make sure to give you a call." He answered and began to help his parter put the woman on the back of a rhino. The father then walked towards you.

"Hi Oscar, Daddy's got to go with Mummy now but we'll be back this afternoon when she's all better, I love you sooo much." He said, tears threatening to escape his eyes.

"A?" Oscar responded as he turned his head in confusion which you thought was adorable.

"Don't worry, we'll take good care him." Hoppo reassured and Nathan started to walk towards his wife with the rest of the boys who were going to help get her to the ambulance.

Oscar then shuffled in your arms- he turned to you and them back to his mother and father who were beginning to get further and further up the beach.

"Ma? Da?" He called whilst his bottom lip began to quiver.

"It's OK Oscar, they'll be back later when Mummy is better." You spoke softly in an attempt to comfort him.

"Mamaaaaaaaa!" He cried and thrust his arms towards the place he last saw her but now she was further up the sand which caused more distress as she was no longer in sight of her son.

"Sh Sh, she's just going to be gone for a little bit and then you'll see her again." You shushed and turned him around in your arms so he faced you and the lifeguards who weren't assisting. He then grabbed onto the shoulder of your shirt and buried his face in it as you rubbed his back.

"Awww you are so good with babies (y/n), he already likes you!" Maxi observed.

"No I think he's just scared of you guys." You joked which made them laugh.

"Come on, let's go up to the tower and get him out of the heat." Chappo suggested and you both started to walk up the beach to the tower, leaving Maxi and Jesse to patrol the flags.

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