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Timeskip 3 weeks:

You were waiting in Chappo's apartment whilst he packed his bags for the trip. You had already said goodbye to Harrison, Ethan and Arthur and thought it was best to spend the rest of your time before the flight with your brother, as you knew a drawn out departure would just make you upset and reluctant to go. The camera crew were happy with your decision as it meant you and Chappo could have your interview  together and it would save time setting up cameras.

"So is this your first time going to Bali?" Alex questioned. He was one of the cameramen who had been working on Bondi since the show began so you had known him since you were about four.

"I've been once but it was years ago so I don't really remember anything. I was probably only about three." You responded.

"And I've been twice, but not for a while." Chappo answered, stuffing the last of his clothes into his bag.

It bothered you that he had no organisational system whatsoever when each of your items of clothing was neatly folded and stacked to minimise the amount of space occupied.

"When did you go a second time?" You asked, watching him trying to zip the bag up.

"When.... I.... Was.... Like twelve." He stuttered. At this point his was yanking the material with all his might.

"Chips, your going to break that, do you want to put some of your stuff in my bag?" You questioned, as if you were his mother.

"Yes please!" He replied in a childlike voice.

You opened your bag to reveal the masses of vacant space. You had to admit you were pretty proud of yourself. Chappo just looked at it with suspicion.

"For someone with a full time job and twin babies, you have too much time."

Timeskip to plane:

"I'm going to go to sleep Chips, can you make sure no one draws on my head?" You requested.

It was a seven hour flight and presuming that you would probably be busy right from your arrival, you decided it was best to get some sleep.

However, there were some lifeguards who you didn't trust on this flight. For example, Harries, who, when you passed out at the pub, wrote all over your face in permanent marker. To be fair, he was probably just as drunk as you were.

"Yea OK." Chappo laughed and you leant you head against the window, took your hearing aids off and immediately fell asleep.

Timeskip 7 hours:

You were woken by a sudden moving under your head. At first you were very confused and concerned as to how and why the window was moving, but you soon realised that you had shifted your weight onto your brother's shoulder. Chappo must have fallen asleep too, because you could also feel his head on top of yours.

"Hey, Chapmans, time to wake up, it's landing time." Yatesy informed, who was sat in front of you.

You couldn't hear yet, but you could tell that Chappo was groaning at being woken up.

"What are we doing once we get there?" You enquired as both you and your brother sat upright and you began attaching your implants and clipping your seat belt over your waist.

"We're going straight to the beach to meet the lifeguards and then to the hotel." Terry, who was sat behind you with Tom, answered.

"OK, thanks Terry." You responded.

"Marley, have you been here before?" Tom asked.

"Only once when I was about three but I can't remember anything apart from what I've seen in photos. What about you?" You replied.

"I've never been before." He told you.

Whilst the other boys all seemed excited, Tom seemed quite nervous. You had a mix of emotions.

You couldn't wait to learn new life saving techniques and to experience the Balinese culture, but you were also anxious about the dangers the new beach presented and  worried about the fact that you wouldn't know how anything worked or where anything was. It was kind of nice to know that Tom was in a simular boat to you.

Just as you were turning back around to talk to Chappo, you heard a voice over the tannoy.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are beginning our descent."

Chappo's Little SisterWhere stories live. Discover now