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At the tower:

"Chappo, can I borrow some clothes, I'm completely drenched?" you asked as you and Reidy walked into the tower.

"(y/n) that was amazing! I'm so proud of you!" chappo said as he ran towards and engulfed your body in an embrace.

"She did good didn't she?" Reidy added as you attempted to get free from your brothers grasp and failing miserably.

"Look Chips, I know you love me and all but  I'm freezing and would really appreciate it if you would let go of me and instead help me find some clothes" you stated incurring the laughter of the lifeguards who had all returned to the tower.

"C'mon, my spare uniforms in my locker" He complied and led you across the street to the locker room.

"Well you can go back land I'll get changed" you suggested and he headed towards the door

"See you in a min sis!" He called after heading out

You took off your wet clothes and got changed into Chappo's boardies which you had to tie extremely tight to get them to stay up as they were far too big for you. You then put on his long sleeve lifeguard shirt which, again was far too large and baggy but you decided it was better than looking like a drowned rat. You took your hair out of the bun you had in and put it in a loose braid and headed back towards the tower.
Chappo laughed at how large this clothes were on you and you stuck your tongue out at him making all the other lifeguards snigger.

"It's still freezing Chips" you complained bringing your feet onto the chair you were sat on next to Chappo and wrapping your arms around them.

"Here take this," Reidy said looking his hoodie at you.  You put it on and started to warm up and it was so big in you it went half way down your thighs.

"Thanks Reids!" You called giving him a big grin which he returned.

"So no Thankyou Chappo for letting you borrow his clothes but Thankyou Reidy" Chappo huffed pretending to be annoyed.

"He doesn't have to be nice to me, your my brother, you do!" Both Chappo and Reidy laughed at this statement but that both got back to work soon enough.

Nothing much happened for the rest of the day as, even though the rain had cleared up, It still was windy and cold it was really only the surfers who were out in the sea.

"Right (y/n), I'm getting off my shift early so we can have time to surf before it gets dark" Chappo said and started to head towards the door and you followed suit.

"Okay let's go get changed!" You replied, excited to show your big brother your new skills in the water.

Time skip:

You both reappeared from the changing rooms in your wetsuits as it was winter and ran to the tower to grab your boards.

"Race you into the water!" Your brother challenged with a childish grin on his face.

"You're on!" You replied, returning the expression. You both started to leg it towards the shoreline and you felt victorious as you felt the water beneath your feet with Chappo behind you. You knew he probably just let you win because you were a lot younger than him but you were still going to enjoy it.

"Slow coach!" You mocked as he entered the water.

"I'll definitely thrash you in the surf" He retorted

"We'll see about that." You mumbled as you both waded out.

You started to paddle when the water was about waist deep. Well waist deep for you at least. You were both struggling to ge tout past the breakers as the swell had picked up a lot, probably around 10 ft which was bigger than the 6-7ft you were used to. Chappo noticed the hesitation on face as he was also concerned about how large the waves were.

"Do you want to head in and try again tomorrow (y/n)?" Chappo asked but you couldn't hear him as you had just made it out the back

"(y/n)?" He called getting frantic and you finay realised he was talking to you.

"Come on Chips, I thought you were meant to be better in the water than me!" You shouted as the wind was strong and made it difficult to here.

"Don't do that to me! I thought you were dead!" He said as he sat on his board next to you but you didn't respond to him, you just stared into the water below you.

Chappo's Little SisterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon