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A/N: Tw of panic attack.

After hardly any convincing, Chappo agreed to be the first in the water.

"Chips..." You began, just as he was about to descend the ladder into the water.

"Yea..." He responded, mimicking your tone.

"If you die can I have your car because mine keeps making this noise and I think its going to break down soon." You asked, gaining a roll of your brother's eyes before he descended into the deep blue.

"You next." Kerbox announced, nudging you towards the edge with increasing force.

Despite your utter terror of the creatures, Kerbox was still more scared of the sharks that lurked beneath you.

"OK ok I'm going!" You exclaimed, raising your hands in surrender before placing your feet on the first prong of the ladder.

'Here goes nothing' , you thought to yourself.

Once fully submerged in the water, your anxiety slowly began to decline, seeing as there were no sharks in sighy. You began to think that it was a low possibility you would see one up clode and that it wasn't as horrific as you had thought it to be.

Well, you were thinking that, until a gargantuan set of teeth rammed into the bars by your upper body.

If you weren't engulfed by water and breathing through a tube, you would have been screaming your lungs out until there was no oxygen left for your red blood cells to carry.

You were most definitely done with this shark business.

Deciding that you wanted to leave the cage so you didn't have an actual heart attack, you put your hands back on the ladder, only to find a school of lifeguards flocking down the steps.

With no chance of leaving now, you thought it best to enjoy the scenery. Scenery meaning the back of your brother's head.

"(y/n) are you OK?" He signed, turning around to face your stunned form.

"Yea I'm fine. What happens if you pass out in water?" You asked, beginning to feel slightly dizzy and light headed. It was strange experiencing this under the water.

"(y/n) you need to get out." Chappo instructed, pushing you towards the now, vacant ladder.

It look longer to ascend than the descent had, partially because of the water that longed for you to remain within its grasp and partially because every movement made your head spin.

"You're OK, you're OK, sit down here." Chappo said once you had both returned to the vessel.

You did as he directed and took a seat on the wooden deck, leaning against the side.

A/N: Tw for blood. (Rest of chapter is written further down so if you are afraid of blood you don't accidentaly read it.)

You suddenly felt a shooting pain in the right shoulder and, out of instinct, grasped your hand over.

What you didn't expect was to see your hand covered in a deep red fluid.

"Um Chips, why am I bleeding?" You asked, starting to get worried and feel even more like your were about to faint. There was a lot of blood.

"Oh my gosh, can we get some help a second?" Chappo called to one of the guys who ran the boat tours.

"Wait, why is she bleeding?" The man responded in a more casual voice than you had expected.

"I don't know, maybe a shark? Do you have some sort of medical gauze or something?" Your brother enquired, getting increasingly more annoyed with him.

You were in desperate need of something to stop the bleeding as your hand was begin to lose a lot of curculation and you weren't sure how long you could hold it against your shoulder for.

"Sorry mate, but we only have plasters and stuff, we don't get many shark bites!" He exclaimed. Wait, was this guy laughing?

"(y/n), this will probably hurt but I'm gonna hold my hands against your shoulder to stop the bleeding OK?" Chappo told you. You let your hand slump back into your lap.

"Uh huh." You nodded woozily before the spinning stopped and the image of your brother's concerned face slowly turned to darkness.

A/N: Hi guys, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. If you have any requests plz leave a comment here or on my profile! 😊

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