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Two weeks had passed since you had passed out and your head had finally stopped pounding with pain. Harrison rung an ambulance which took you to hospital. They told you it was infected and gave you round of antibiotics which had now nearly cleared it up.

Today was an exciting day. Today was the day that Reidy was going to propose to his girlfriend Gemma. You were so excited as he told you about it ages ago but had been putting it off. He was so nervous she would say no.

Reidy had told the rest of the lifeguards a couple day ago so now all they would do was argue over who was going to be his best man. You didn't envy Reidy in having to choose.

"(y/n) I've lost the ring, I can't find the ring, Where's the ring?" Reidy asked you. It was very obvious the amount of stress he was feeling.

"Reids, you need to chill out or you're going to give yourself a heart attack." You told him.

"I can't chill out mini Chapman, what if she says no? I just love her so much and don't want to ruin things between us." He responded.

"Reidy, you're not going to ruin anything the ring is in your locker." You informed him. Reidy proceeded to walk out of the tower and across to the locker rooms.

You couldn't wait for him to pop the question.


It was after closing time yet you and the boys had all crammed yourselves into the tower to spectate the proposal.

Reidy had left about half an hour earlier to collect Gemma and bring her down for an 'evening walk along the beach' which she obviously bought.

"When are they going to get here?" Maxi whined like a child.

"Isn't that them?" You enquired, pointing to a couple down the south end of the beach. They looked as if they could be them but you couldn't quite make out their faces.

"Yep, that's definitely them." Whippet replied with binoculars held to his eyes.

"I was about to call you creepy but that actually not a bad idea." You said, grabbing another pair off the desk to watch the couple.

Soon enough, all of the lifeguards were fighting over the remaining binoculars. They were arguing over who deserved it more, who's known Reidy longer, all things like that and it was driving you insane.

"Right. Can you guys all stop fighting and just look out the window otherwise you're all going to miss it and get in a strop."

"Yes Mum!" Chappo joked which earned him one of your famous death glares.

"How come you get a pair of binos?" Jesse asked you.

"Because the last time I checked, I'm the only one of us who can lip read." You answered and all the boys broke into childish grins once they realised what you were suggesting.


Gemma and Reidy had been sat at the North end of the beach for what seemed like hours, just small talking whilst Reidy built up his courage.

"Guys! Guys! They're standing up, he's going to do it!" You exclaimed and they all rushed to their feet to get a better look.

"What's he saying?" Mouse questioned.

"Gemma, I have loved you since the moment I met you. I love your smile, I love your laugh and I love everything else. I can't imagine a world in which I'm with you so, Gemma Marie Poulter, which you marry me?" You translated whilst Reidy got down onto one knee and open up the box that contained the engagement ring.

She looked at him with surprise and love written about her face, leaning down towards his and connecting their lips before pulling away again.

"Yes. "

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