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"Baby, you need to stop stressing, everything with be great!" Harrison assured you as you frantically planned at the table.

"But it can't just be great Harrison, it has to be perfect, it's their first birthday and we will most likely never get to have another first birthday for twins unless our next baby happens to be two but statistically that is highly unlikely and also depends if we have another baby which is..." You rambled on and on.

The twin's birthday was a couple days away and, even though you had already organised everything and invited everyone, you were still desperate to make it the best first birthday party you possibly could, even though you knew there was no chance of the boys remembering even the slightest chunk of the day.

"Our next baby?" Harrison questioned your words as he wrapped around your stomach.

"I know we haven't talked about it, but do you want any more kids?" You enquired, leaning back against his chest.

"I'm not sure, for now I just like it being the four of us." He answered.

"Me too." You agreed.

To be honest you hadn't considered another child hardly at all since the twins were born. But it was true that you did enjoy it just being you, Harrison, Ethan and Arthur. You weren't dead set against a third but you really weren't too sure how you would cope when having two was already so challenging!

"Mama! Mama!" You heard Ethan calling from his bedroom when him and his brother were napping. This was instantaneously followed by Arthur crying. You did feel sorry for him as he tried so desperately to form words like his brother but always failed to do so.

"Coming Ethan." You told him, ascending from the stool and making you way, with Harrison to their room.

"Mama! Mama!" Ethan shouted again, trusting his arms up at you before you scooped him out of his cot.

"I'm going to go and change Arthur in the bathroom." Harrison announced and left the room rather swiftly. Perhaps that was another reason Arthur was crying.

"Are you excited for your birthday baby boy?" You asked him.

"Mama! Aba baaa la na ba aaaa!" Ethan shrieked with excitement, despite him not knowing what to be excited for.

"And do you know who's coming to you and your brother's party?" You enquired, laying him down onto the soft carpet of his floor.

"A?" He babbled quizzically, tilting his head as he looked up at you.

"Well, there's going to be Uncle Chappo, Uncle Reidy, Auntie Jules, Auntie Abi, your great Auntie and Uncle, Mummy's cousins, Uncle Hoppo, Uncle Whippet, Uncle Jethro, Uncle Maxi and most of your other uncles!" You listed, tickling his tummy as you named each person.

"Aaa Aaa!" He screamed with laughter, rolling around on the floor.

"Now little man, Artie chose yesterday so it's your turn, do you want to wear option one or option two?" You asked, placing the outfits in front of him after he rolled into his stomach.

You and Harrison had chosen their outfits like this everyday since they had both learnt how to crawl properly. It was useful as it meant less decision making but it was also funny to watch the boys little brains think away at which one to crawl to.

As per usual, Ethan chose the outfit placed on the left hand side of him:

"Good boy Ethy! Shall we go and see Daddy and Artie?" You praised him, picking both Ethan and the rompers off of the carpet

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"Good boy Ethy! Shall we go and see Daddy and Artie?" You praised him, picking both Ethan and the rompers off of the carpet.

"(y/n), you need to come here right now!" Harrison shouted, almost in alarm, from the bathroom.

You quickly rushed into the bathroom to see Arthur let go of the bathtub he was stood next to and take his very first steps towards his father's awaiting arms.

"They never stop growing do they? "

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