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A/N: This chapter and the next include panic attacks so if you are not comfortable with the subject I completely understand and you can just skip to the chapter after next.

"Don't do that to me! I thought you were dead!" You heard chappo exclaim but you couldn't reply as your body was frozen in fear due to the dark shadow that was swimming under your board. All surfers are scared of sharks, but for some reason you had a crippling fear of them, even if you saw them at an aquariam, behind glass, you would panic. Your throat would feel like it was tightening and you would find it hard to speak, move or even breathe.

"(y/n), " Chappo said again trying to get you to answer.
(Y/N)!" He called incase you couldn't hear him.
It was then he realised something was wrong as he saw your body start to shake and your breathing quicken. He paddled his board up next to you so they were touching and shook you gently to get your attention.

" S-s-sh-shark" you stuttered as your body was now shaking uncontrollably.
Chappo look into the water to confirm that what you were looking at was indeed a shark and, much to his horror, you were right. He decided that he needed to get you to calm down a hit before heading towards the beach as he knew that you had a very severe phobia of the creature that lurked beneath you.

"(y/n), you're going to be fine, I just need you to breathe normally so we can paddle back in. " He reassured putting his hand on yours. You knew you had to get back in but you couldn't. You couldn't bring yourself to put any part of your body in the water.

" I-I-I can't Chappo" You sobbed looking up at him with your tear covered face. He knew you were a fighter and that if you said you couldn't it wasn't that you didn't want to, it was more that you couldn't physically do it.

"Okay then, I'll tie the leash to your board to my leg and I'll paddle you in on my board." You didn't respond but just handed him the leash and slid onto his board. After a couple moments of readjusting to this new weight on the front of his board Chappo began to paddle you both in, catching a small wave (which was difficult to find in the massive swell) so he didn't nose dive.

Once you got to the shallows, Chappo picked you up bridal style as you were couldn't step foot in the water and he wasn't entirely sure that you could walk.
He placed you down on the sand thinking that now you were out of danger you would calm down but instead you started to shake and cry more.
"(y/n) its okay now you're safe now" he soothed as he pulled you into his chest.

After about 5 more minutes of you shaking and crying Chappo decided to take you up to the tower as it was only 5.30 and the boys packed up at 7.

"Let's go up to the tower (y/n) and say goodbye to the boys before heading home. Is that okay?" He asked and you stood up shakily, grabbing his waist for support.

Half way up the beach you heard the shark alarm go off which just sent panic rushing through your body and before you could do or say anything your whole world starting to spin and soon enough, you were plunged into darkness.

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