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Time skip:

You arrived at the tower with Chappo to see Hoppo and Mouse waiting for you.

"Alright (y/n), I've got the course set up and Mouse is going to run it with you" Hoppo stated.

"Alright, what's the course?" You asked.

"It's a three kilometer run to Bronte, a one kilometer swim to Tamarama and finally, a two kilometer board paddle back to Bondi" Mouse explained.

"Okay, when are you doing it?"

"Well you can do it now if you want and I'm going to time you to see how fast you can do it." Hoppo said, gesturing to the timer in the palm.

"Right, I'll see you later Chips!" You called to your brother as he reached for the door to the tower.

"See you (y/n)!" He replied.

"So you ready (y/n)?" Hoppo asked.

"Yep, let get going!" You exclaimed bouncing on the balls of your feet making Mouse laugh.

"OK, 3...2....1..... Go!" He shouted and you and mouse darted along down the promenade.

"You better not swim as fast as you run!" Mouse warned jokingly to which you just smiled and shook your head as you didn't want to waste your energy on words.

Soon enough you reached Bronte, you weren't tired from the run as you would normally go for a four kilometer run each morning before you went for a surf in Whitehaven but you know that the swim leg would be hard as the swell was rather large. You both ran across the sand and threw your shoes off as you reached the waters edge.

You dove into the water to be greeted by a cooling sensation you would have enjoyed during your run. You pulled your goggles down to cover your eyes before looking to check Mouse was still with you- he wasn't.

"Mouse?" You called as you twisted your head around in the water in search of your fellow lifeguard. There was no reply so you called again, this time louder.

"MOUSE?" Still no reply. As you continued to twist your body frantically in the water in attempt to find him, you noticed a head bobbing in a rip around ten meters to your right. You swam over to check if Mouse was alright.

"Mouse what are you doing in the rip?" You enquired, curious as to why the elite lifeguard was caught within the grasps of a dangerous current.

"I think I-I-I popped my knee out when jumped in" he explained through clenched teeth.

"Can you swim?" You asked.

"No, I can't kick, that's why I'm still in the rip!" He answered.

You turned around and saw how far you had drifted from the beach. You had never been afraid of rips as you were always a strong enough swimmer that you could get out of them but you weren't sure if you could pull a full grown man out of the rip.

After a bit of contemplating, you decided it might be easier to try and pop it back in in the water instead of trying to drag him to the beach.

"Mouse, bring your leg to the surface" you direct.

"Okay... Why?" He asked as he breached his injured leg through the water's skin.

"Because I'm going to pop it back in" You explained.

"Do you know how to do that?" He questioned.

"Yea, they showed us how to fix dislocations on the junior medical program I was a part of just before I came here." You assured.

"Alright, I'm in too much pain to argue just put it back" He said-clearly in agony from trying to keep his leg afloat.

"Don't look" you commanded and he complied and closed his eyes.

You took a deep breath and place a hand on either side of his kneecap. In one swift movement, you popped it back in and you looked up at Mouse- who now had his eyes open.

"Are you alright?" You asked- worried about whether you reset it correctly.

"Yea, it still hurts but I think I can try to swim now" he replied, looking slightly more relaxed.

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