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A/N: The ages and birthdays of the lifeguards mentioned are not completely accurate but for the purpose of this I’m going to just go with it. Hope you enjoy the chapter!

“I can’t believe you're going to be sixteen tomorrow!” Reidy exclaimed, who was watching over the beach with you in the tower.

“I’m not that small!” You joked.

“No, it’s not that. It just seems like yesterday that you had to be lifted up to see over this desk.” He responded and you rolled your eyes at him.

“Ugh! You sound like Chappo!”

“Why does he sound like me?” Chappo enquired after entering the tower.

Before you could answer, your radio started flashing and you chucked it at him to answer it. Once he had finished with the call he passed the radio back to you.

“What did they say?” You enquired.

“Hoppo wants to talk to you in his office.” He answered- leaving you confused because you couldn’t think of anything you’d done wrong and that was the main reason people would get called over.

“Why?” You questioned.

“I don’t know, he just wanted you to go over as quickly as possible.” He replied and you reluctantly got up from your chair and made your way over to talk to Hoppo.

“Hey Hop!” You greeted once you had entered his office- you never knocked because you wouldn't hear a reply.

“Hi (y/n), thanks for coming over, I just needed to talk to you about our new trainee.” He said and you relaxed, knowing you weren’t in trouble.

“Finally! I need someone else around here who isn’t a dinosaur!” You teased.

“Well you’re in luck, they’re a similar age to you. In fact, they turn seventeen tomorrow so exactly one year older.” He informed you.

“Why did you need my help?” You asked him.

“I thought, seeing as you’re the only ‘non-dinosaur’ that you could show them the ropes and help them onto their feet.”

“Sure! When are they starting?”

“They were really keen to start as soon as possible and I knew you were in tomorrow so I said that would be fine.” He responded.

“OK! I’m looking forward to it!” You told him before you both got up from your chairs and said goodbye before you made your way back across the road.

"What did Hop want?" Your brother enquired upon your return.

"Oh, he just wanted to ask me to help  the new trainee that's joining tomorrow." You answered.

"I still don't understand why you'd rather work than hang out with your friends on your birthday!" Reidy exclaimed.

"Because Reidy, being down here is way more fun than hanging out with my friends." You justified.

"What, even Abi?" Chappo questioned.

"But I'm meeting Abi after work at the bucket list."

"Oh yea, please don't get drunk, you know how accident prone you are without alchahol, imagine what you'd be like with it!" He joked and you saw Reidy laughing out of the corner of your eye.

"A- I am not that accident prone, and B- we wouldn't get drunk because we're only sixteen and you can't drink until you're eighteen." You informed him very matter-of-factly.

"Thank goodness for that! I'm definitely dreading the first time you get drunk!" He exclaimed.

"Don't worry, I don't have much interest on getting drunk anytime soon, we're just going out for fries because they do the BEST at the bucket list." You assured him and he looked relieved.

You smiled to yourself. You couldn't wait for tomorrow!

A/N: Please leave your guesses of who you think the new trainee will be! Thanks for reading!

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