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"It's kind of weird being together without Ethan and Arthur isn't it? " You asked Harrison, who was stationed with you up at the northern set of flags. It wasn't a school day and not the best weather so the beach was pretty much empty.

"Yea, its nice though." Harrison replied.

"Because it means I can do this..." He continued, walking closer towards you and wrapping his hands around your waist. You were anticipating a kiss from your husband but what he did next surprised you, he picked you up from the ground and starting spinning you around. Each turn meant an increase in speed- good job he didn't do this with the babies in your hands.

"Harrison! We need to.... Watch the..... Beach!" You stuttered out through fits of laughter.

He started to slow down, ready to place you back onto the ground, which was now covered by the sea as you had both drifted a couple metres from where you were previously stood on the shoreline.

When he had almost come to a complete stop, his feet buckled underneath him and you both landed on top of each other in the water.

Any pain that this action would have caused was completely masked by how hilarious you found the situation.

"You're so cute when you laugh, you know that right?" Harrison asked, chuckling away himself. Instead of a response, you leant down and pressed your lips against his.

You didn't care that there were waves rolling rapidly towards the two of you, but you should of cared about the black clouds you couldn't yet see looming over your heads.

The reason for this was, shortly after the kiss began, you heard a loud rumble of thunder and the rain began pelting down upon you. Not that it made any difference- you were both drenched already.

However, it was the lightning that made you move. After seeing a man being struck by lighting on the very beach you were laying down on, you knew how treacherous the exposed strip of sand could be in this weather.

"I think we should get back to the tower." You told Harrison, rolling over into the water and standing up, before offering him a hand.

"I think that is a great idea." He responded, accepting your gesture and running back to the buggy.

"Tower to Northern flags, are you two there?" A familiar voice spoke down the radio. You reached to retrieve the device whilst Harrison began the vehicle.

"Yea we're here, just coming up now." You informed the recipitant- you were pretty sure it was Max A but through all the rain and wind, it was hard to tell.

"Good, looks like we might be stuck in the tower for the rest of the day looking at the forecast, see you guys in a minute." He replied, you turned back to Harrison.

"If anyone asks, we tripped and fell into the sea whist we were dedicating ourselves to watching over the beach we are paid to watch over. Capiche?" You enquired and Harrison had a slight smirk forming on his face.

"Baby, we don't need and excuse for being wet, the whole beach is wet! " He reminded you. Fair point.

Due to Harrison's quick driving, you reached the tower shortly and ran inside.

You were met by all of your fellow lifeguards sending huge grins in you and your husband's direction.

You turned to Harrison and half-whispered into his ear.

"I think they saw us."

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