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A/N: Hi guys! Seeing as this is the 200th instament, this will be the last chapter of my book 'Chappo's little sister'. Thankyou so much for the support you've given this book and for getting it so many reads and likes. I really hope you enjoy this last chapter!

Timeskip 1 week:

It was your first day back at work and you arrived at the beach with Harrison to be met by the smiling faces of Chappo, Maxi, Jethro, Jesse, Kerbox and Harries.

"Morning boys!" You greeted, taking a seat next to your brother.

"Morning (y/n), morning Hutz!" Chappo returned, giving you a side hug.

"New season high five!" Maxi exclaimed, stretching his arm over to meet your own

"Where are we positioned today?" You question Chappo,  guessing you would be stationed with him as you often were.

"You're with me down at backpacker and Harrison, you are with Jethro at the Northern set of flags but the crew will probably do your 'interview' soon, before we officially start work." He informed you- confirming your previous assumption.

As if on cue, August (who always seemed to be the one who filmed your 'new season' interviews)  walked into the tower with a microphone pack.

"Marley, are you ready for your 'interview'?" He enquired, already knowing your answer and handing you the pack to put on. For your first year or two at Bondi, you struggled to figure out where all the wires went, but after over a decade, you were quite the master and attached it without even looking.

"Yep, I'm good to go." You responded, giving your husband a kiss on the cheek before following August out of the tower and across the road to where they filmed all the Bondi rescue interviews.

"You know what to do, after all, you've been doing this since you were a kid!" He chuckled as you took a seat and he and a sound technitian, going by the name of Jess, prepared all the technology.

"Right..... We...... Are...... Ready to go." He told you before pressing record. To make the interviews or monologues more fluid, they were recorded as a conversation with only the lifeguard in shot. They were then cut and edited so it just looked like you were talking to the camera. You just had to remember to avoid using words like 'yes' or 'no' that made it sound like you had answered a question.

"OK, so (y/n), you've been working here since you were thirteen, are you looking forward to your...... twelfth season is it?" He  enquired.

"This year is my twelfth year and I'm just as excited as I was when I was thirteen. One of the many great things about working at Bondi is that you can't ever predict what is going to happen  during the busy summer months. As over a decade down here has taught me, literally anything can happen."
You answered- it was true- from shark bites, to urchins stuck in feet, to flat rock disasters, to blue bottle stings, even to spinals- Bondi always had the ability to throw something new at you.

Over the next fifteen minutes, you continued filming questions- many of which had to be repeated because you always ended up laughing at an old memory or purely at the fact you weren't supposed to laugh.

"So one last question, this is new one we haven't done before, what does Bondi mean to you?" He questioned.

This made you think for a momment- compared to the others which you had answered immediately. Bondi meant so much to you- you weren't even sure where to begin.

"Bondi means everything to me. Chappo's been a lifeguard since I was a toddler so I grown up with the guys. When I moved in with my brother and started working as a lifeguard, they didn't become my colleagues, they became my family. But Bondi didn't just give me one family, it gave me two because it without it I would never have met Harrison and we wouldn't have our three beautiful children. It's a place that I will always call my home. Bondi is what made me become the woman I am today and it has given me all the things I love most in this world. So I guess that's it: to me, Bondi means home, it means love and laughter, but most of all, it means family. "

Chappo's Little SisterOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora