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Just as you had predicted, Arthur was already crawling at the early age of six months and it was proving a challenge to both you and Harrison.

"Harri, where is Arthur? I just turned to pick up Ethan and he...." You began, but stopped when Harrison emerged from the twin's bedroom holding Arthur.

"Look who I found playing with all off the nappies in their room..." Harrison stated before placing Arthur onto the floor.

"We need to get some stair gates." You told him.

"Agreed." Harrison responded whilst blocking Arthur's way as he tried to get into the bathroom.

"Ba ba a ba!" Ethan babbled, wriggling around on your lap in an attempt to get down.

You complied with his wishes and place him on all fours on the floor. You could tell he was desperate to crawl so he could join in with his brother but he just wasn't ready. Off course, he didn't understand this.

As he would do every time, Ethan reached foward with one arm, placing it onto the ground. He would then do the same with the other arm but, instead of stabilising himself, would just splay out across the floor and burst into tears. You didn't think it helped that all the while Arthur was crawling around directly in front of him as if he was rubbing it in. A thing you knew he would be incapable of comprehending, let alone doing himself.

Just as you were soothing the crying child by bouncing him gently in your arms, you heard the doorbell ring and immediately went to answer it.

"Hey Maxi! What brings you to the madhouse today?" You greeted jokingly.

"Hey (y/n), I just popped round to see if you needed any help, seeing as Arthur's crawling and it's my day of. Hey Ethan, what's wrong with you mini Reid?" He enquired, tickling Ethan which, strangely, didn't make him laugh.

"Maxi you are the best! Ethan is just grumpy because, like you said, Arthur is crawling around all day and he falls flat on his face every time he tries." You informed him as you gestured for him the enter the apartment and take a seat on the sofa.

"Oh no! I bet you've got your hands full!" He exclaimed, taking a seat and pulling Arthur off the floor to sit on his lap.

"You can say that again! We think Ethan might be coming down with something because he is also having trouble sleeping at night, isn't he baby?" Harrison enquired, standing behind you and kissing the top of your head.

"Yea he is. Are you poorly bubba?" You asked Ethan, who just buried his head into your chest and made little whiney noises.

"I think that's a yes, good job it's naptime, although I'm not too sure that Arthur's feeling as tired as his twin today." Harrison responded, gesturing to Arthur, who was having a great time being bounced around on Maxi's knees, and then to Ethan, who had already fallen asleep on your body.

"I'll just go and put Ethan down, Arthur's having fun with Max, he can just have a longer nap later." You informed him, getting up cautiously and making your way to the boy's shared bedroom.

Trying not to wake him, you gently placed Ethan in his cot and lightly pressed a kiss to his forehead.

"Sleep tight baby boy."

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