5. The Truth

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I try saying something but I can't so all I do is walk down the hallway into Magnus apartment and hope he's following. Once I turn around in the living room and Magnus shuts the door he asks me again.

"Why did you come here?"

"I don't know how to say it."

"Just say it!"

"Fine! I love you! And obviously you don't love me back because you have a girlfriend which I didn't even know about. We have been friends since we were two year old and I've never heard of a 'Ana'.

You act all awkward when I arrive and even when she leaves you act like I'm nothing. Like I'm not your friend you left behind all the way back in New York!

Your goodbye was just fucking stupid like you knew you were never going to come back and you texted me once! Once! We used to call, text and even hang out all the time.

Even when you were on vacation my phone was blowing up but when I come here it's like you were seeing some ghost. And it hurts because it's coming from the person I love.

So yes I Love you Magnus. I have for years and yes I am mad at you because..........Because you're acting like you just don't care."

After I said everything I take a deep breath and try walking out the door but Magnus grabs my hand. I turn back around and Magnus looks at me.

"Don't pull away." He says then cups my face and leans into a kiss. Once we both pull away for air he leans his forehead on mine.

"What about Ana?"

"Trust me our relationship is work related. Nothing more. And she knows that."

"Oh Magnus." I say with saddness and regret.

"Its okay." Magnus says moving away. He leaves his hand sitting on my arm and he looks up at me, "I've always liked you too I just didn't know how to say it."

I smile at him and lean back in. Once I pull away I look at him. "You have explaining to do."

"I know."

"I love you."

"I know." Magnus says. "I do too."

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