Yin Fin

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Laying on Magnus couch I feel the sweat build up on my forehead and the pain gradualtey get worse. Magnus comes into eye sight and puts his hand on my head.

"Alec you're doing well, better than most people are when they recover."

"T-then why do I f-feel like I just got hit by a bus?" I asks closing my eyes since they are getting blurry.

"Every one has a different way to heal." Magnus says using his magic to make it at least better.

I re-open my eyes and look at Magnus as I continue to shake badly. I feel a wave of pain rush over me and I close my eyes shut wanting it to be over.

Opening my eyes again I look at Magnus with tears. He sees and quickly puts his hand around mine.

"I'm sorry Mags. I don't even know who I am anymore. I'm sorry that I did it and I'm sorry you have to go through it too." I tell him with tears running down my cheek from pain and guilt.

He gives me a small smile but his eyes say so much. They show sadness, fear, love but never any hate. He squeezes my hand slightly and uses his other to wipe the tears away.

"Alexander you went through a hard time. That's okay because everyone does. I would never hate you over this so don't think that because I know you are.

I love you Alec and I'd do anything to be beside you when you need me too. Even if it's war, reovery or just because you are upset you spilled some tea.

I don't regret staying beside you during this, I love you."

I look at Magnus with new tears in my eyes but happy ones. I feel a new wave of pain rush inside me and I silently groan but loud enough for him to hear.

Magnus let's go of my hand and lays next to me on the couch spooning me.

"Everything will be okay Alexander. Trust me."

Idea from sykrh_mhdxxmention a user

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