Public (Calum Hood)

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a bad boy au where cal refuses to do coupley things in public and be sappy around his friends and show u off to everyone with pda and that's literally all u want in a relationship so u break up with him and he decides the only way to win u back is by doing the most sappy public stunt he can think of


Flashback; Two weeks ago

"You know I love you, Cal," you reminded him softly.

"It's pretty comical to say you love someone while you're breaking up with them," Calum grumbled.

"Don't make this harder than it needs to be, Cal," you begged, swallowing the lump in your throat.

"If it's so hard, then why are you doing it?"

"I need affection, Calum!" you told him, "I need validation that you still want to be in a relationship with me!"

"I'm not an affection-giving person, Y/N," he reminded you, "You know that."

"I know!" you exclaimed, allowing the tears welling up in your eyes to fall down your cheeks, "But I just... Fuck, Calum – I need to know that you care! I need someone who isn't afraid of holding my hand in public and hugging me after walking me to class and wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing me in front of his friends! I need someone who insists on parading around like he just won the lottery being with me! I need affection! And I don't get any of that with you! I love you, Calum, and I want to be with you... But I can't keep going to bed every night asking myself whether or not you want the same! You're so worried about your reputation and what your friends think all the time that it's... God... It's like you forget that they aren't the ones dating you! And I just... I can't keep giving so much of myself to someone who can't give any of it back..."

End flashback


It was the night of the school's annual talent showcase – not a talent show because there were no prizes to be won; it was more of just people performing for the hell of it – and you were walking into the school. You didn't plan on going, to be honest, but you received an influx of texts and Facebook messages from friends of yours and Calum's insisting you show up. You didn't know what it was about – everyone refused to tell you – but if anyone knew one thing about you, it was that you would go just out of sheer curiosity as to why they were asking.

When you arrived, you were surprised to find Luke and Michael – two of Calum's best friends – standing there waiting for you. Their faces lit up as they smiled upon seeing you, hurrying over and beginning to walk with you to the auditorium.

"Hi, Y/N!" they beamed in unison.

"What's going on?" you sighed, "You guys are being weird."

"We're not being weird," Michael pouted, "Are we not allowed to be happy to see you?"

"Not when both of you texted me to come tonight without telling me why."

"Well, we're not still telling," Luke shrugged, "So you're just gonna have to trust us." They led you into the auditorium, taking you right to the front row.

"I don't want to sit in front!" you whined, huffing when they forced you to stay in your seat.

"Just trust us!" Luke repeated as he and Michael scurried back to the doors.

"I hate you!" you called after them, hearing them laugh.

"Love you too!" Michael shouted over his shoulder just before the door closed behind him.

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