Pudding Shirt (Trevor Collins)

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inspired by the absolute beauty that is pudding shirt

if u want the context – the events that happen leading up to where this story starts – i would suggest watching the video (linked above for ur convenience ur welcome) first

some swearing in the beginning, so sorry if u don't like that kinda stuff


"All I'm saying is I'd just like one day where my neighbors aren't fucking pricks," you shrugged.

"I think you're just going to have to move to a secluded island in the middle of the Atlantic," Burnie commented, making the other people on the podcast hum in agreement.

"I do agree they're pricks though," Blaine nodded.

"Are they new neighbors?" Barbara asked, "Because you moved into Trevor's place and I've never heard him complain about them before."

"I mean, to be fair, one of their bedrooms could be on fire while he was in the room right next to it and he wouldn't notice it until someone pointed it out," Burnie said.

Gavin chuckled, "I like imagining Trevor just lying on the couch watching TV, smoke alarm blaring, and not realizing anything was wrong until you come home like 'Hey, um... Trevor... Why's your flippin' bed on fire?'"

"He really wouldn't," Barbara couldn't help but laugh. When they realized you hadn't made a sound in a while, they looked over at you, finding you staring off to the side in shock.

"Y/N," Burnie said slowly, "You okay?"

"Hey, guys," Trevor's voice came from the direction you were looking, "Have any of you seen my keys? I can't seem to find 'em anywhere." The group looked over at him, their own jaws dropping as he stepped in front of the camera.

"What the fuck?" Barbara choked on her drink slightly.

"Dude, what is that?!" Burnie gaped.

"That's my boss!" Gavin announced, "That's my boss right there!"

"So no stray sets of keys?" Trevor wondered, not addressing what was happening at all, "Okay, thanks." As he went back to the door with Jeremy and Alfredo, you found yourself finally able to speak.

"I'm moving out," was the first thing that came from your mouth since Trevor entered the room, making everyone laugh.

"You can stay with me until you find a place," Barbara offered.

"Thanks," you giggled softly, "What the fuck just happened?"

"So you guys know how I was a little late to this shoot earlier?" Gavin snickered, "That's what I was doing."

"What is it?!" Burnie asked again, realizing he hadn't gotten an answer the first time around.

"It's pudding!" he chirped.

"Gav, that is disgusting!"


"What's wrong with you?!" you, Barbara, and Blaine exclaimed at the same time.

"We had a giant can of expired pudding in the fridge that we never ate or used or whatever," Gavin shrugged, "Decided to see what we could do with it, and we came up with a pudding shirt!"

"And throwing it out wasn't option number one?!" Burnie asked.

"Why waste a perfectly good video opportunity?!" Gavin squeaked.

"Because that's disgusting!" you repeated in a squeak.

"How long did that take you guys?" Barbara asked.

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